Nikki Haley: She Gets Us!
A modest post in support of Nikki Haley for President, brought to you by Banksters for a Ukrainian Genocide and The Transnational Church of Satan!
Imagine, if you will, a political leader with the electrifying charisma of Jeb! Bush, the feminine charm of Hillary Clinton, and a greater lust for war than both Jeb! Bush and Hillary Clinton combined! If what I’ve described sounds too good to be true, then say hello to Nimrata “Nikki” Haley!
The great Will Rogers once observed that “America has the best politicians that money can buy.” Nikki Haley is proud to carry on this tradition of public service for private profit. Like her neo-con-artist hero, George W. Bush, Ms. Haley is “a uniter, not a divider.” As her recent presidential campaign has shown, Ms. Haley brings together wealthy mega-donors from both sides of the political aisle. Very shrewd people who make their living valuing assets agree: Nikki Haley is the best Republican candidate for their money!
If you’re looking for a good time, Nikki Haley is the kind of woman you want by your side during a crisis, because she will be a true friend with benefits. Like Tammy Wynette, Nikki Haley knows how to stand by her man — even if he’s not the man she’s married to. That’s the kind of loyalty and dedication that Americans can expect from Madam Haley as President!

“Darling Nikki,” as all her friends with benefits like to call her, knows how to “make America great again” — and by “great,” I of course mean “a great ally of Israel and Ukraine in any and all foreign conflicts.” Madam Haley will gladly lock arms with President Zelenskyy and fight to the very last American dollar and to the very last Ukrainian life, if that’s what it takes to defend Democracy, Inc. from the Russians. And under Haley’s leadership, America will bring Palestinian terrorists here, so that Israel doesn’t have to fight them over there.
This Super Tuesday, vote for the Republican candidate with more bankster and defense contractor endorsements than any other! Vote for Nikki Haley!
[This moderately sponsored post has been brought to you by Banksters for a Ukrainian Genocide and The Transnational Church of Satan.]
"Nukey", not Nikki.
She does fit a recurring pattern. Well spoken, apparently mostly conservative gets a lot of good press and does a decent job in some position, and then goes completely off the rails. Somehow, we have got to develop a better filtering program.