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Inward and outward-directed militaries are fundamentally incompatible. Arab nations for the last century or so have preferred the former, in order to maintain order within their tribally fractious countries; they also tend to deliberately cripple their militaries in order to prevent them from becoming independent power centres from which coups d'etat can be launched ... an eventuality I suspect the Swamp Clowns are also worried about. In any case, the result for Arab militaries on the battlefield has generally been terrible.

While DIE policies may well prevent white men from wanting to join, there's an easy way around that in the event of a Great Power war. Nothing stops DC from activating Selective Service and simply drafting every able-bodied white boy they can find, then sending them off overseas to get chewed up by Chinese drones in African bush wars. That would solve multiple problems for the regime. Of course, morale would be a problem, but that's easily dealt with too: just fit the cannon fodder with cameras and microphones, and have an AI watch them like hawks to make sure they don't start fragging officers or sabotaging equipment.

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Spot on example with the Arab nations! That is the model the GAE seems to be pursuing. Which is great for tyrants, until you need to fight an actual war.

I'm sure the GAE leaders plan on bringing back the draft, with that outcome in mind: conscript all the straight white men to be their cannon fodder. I am also sure that this will lead to draft riots and open revolt. They will lose control of some significant parts of the country, especially in Appalachia and the Rockies. There are a lot of well-armed, well-trained warriors who will absolutely refuse to let their kids die for the United States of Imperial Faggotry. Will the GAE be able to put down those revolts? That remains to be seen. Of course, fighting a foreign war while also fighting a civil war at home will be an uphill battle, and that will probably be the regime's undoing.

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Sabotage would be a huge factor, too. The modern military depends on a very large and very complicated technological stack with innumerable weak points.

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Something tells me the sabotage has already begun, with all those random fires at food processing plants, massacres of livestock at farms and ranches, train derailments, and so forth. The greyzone warfare has probably already kicked off. It's probably Russian or Chinese special ops at this point, but the whole infrastructure system is incredibly vulnerable and so interconnected that it's subject to cascading failures.

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> Nothing stops DC from activating Selective Service and simply drafting every able-bodied white boy they can find

A draft would necessarily have to hit the leftists as well, you know the people who show up to pride parades and BLM protests. While they're perfectly willing to show up to protests in cities with friendly DAs and even virtue signal with Ukrainian flags, it's different when the prospect of facing people who will actually shoot back comes up. This would cause support for the war to collapse.

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If leftists started getting drafted, that would definitely damper the Left's enthusiasm for war. The question is, would the powers that be figure out a clever way to exempt leftists from the draft? Like, give draft exemptions for -- well, don't want to gove them any ideas (in case they read this), but I can think of a few possibilities.

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