Inward and outward-directed militaries are fundamentally incompatible. Arab nations for the last century or so have preferred the former, in order to maintain order within their tribally fractious countries; they also tend to deliberately cripple their militaries in order to prevent them from becoming independent power centres from which coups d'etat can be launched ... an eventuality I suspect the Swamp Clowns are also worried about. In any case, the result for Arab militaries on the battlefield has generally been terrible.

While DIE policies may well prevent white men from wanting to join, there's an easy way around that in the event of a Great Power war. Nothing stops DC from activating Selective Service and simply drafting every able-bodied white boy they can find, then sending them off overseas to get chewed up by Chinese drones in African bush wars. That would solve multiple problems for the regime. Of course, morale would be a problem, but that's easily dealt with too: just fit the cannon fodder with cameras and microphones, and have an AI watch them like hawks to make sure they don't start fragging officers or sabotaging equipment.

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Spot on example with the Arab nations! That is the model the GAE seems to be pursuing. Which is great for tyrants, until you need to fight an actual war.

I'm sure the GAE leaders plan on bringing back the draft, with that outcome in mind: conscript all the straight white men to be their cannon fodder. I am also sure that this will lead to draft riots and open revolt. They will lose control of some significant parts of the country, especially in Appalachia and the Rockies. There are a lot of well-armed, well-trained warriors who will absolutely refuse to let their kids die for the United States of Imperial Faggotry. Will the GAE be able to put down those revolts? That remains to be seen. Of course, fighting a foreign war while also fighting a civil war at home will be an uphill battle, and that will probably be the regime's undoing.

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Sabotage would be a huge factor, too. The modern military depends on a very large and very complicated technological stack with innumerable weak points.

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Something tells me the sabotage has already begun, with all those random fires at food processing plants, massacres of livestock at farms and ranches, train derailments, and so forth. The greyzone warfare has probably already kicked off. It's probably Russian or Chinese special ops at this point, but the whole infrastructure system is incredibly vulnerable and so interconnected that it's subject to cascading failures.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023Liked by Daniel D

> Nothing stops DC from activating Selective Service and simply drafting every able-bodied white boy they can find

A draft would necessarily have to hit the leftists as well, you know the people who show up to pride parades and BLM protests. While they're perfectly willing to show up to protests in cities with friendly DAs and even virtue signal with Ukrainian flags, it's different when the prospect of facing people who will actually shoot back comes up. This would cause support for the war to collapse.

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If leftists started getting drafted, that would definitely damper the Left's enthusiasm for war. The question is, would the powers that be figure out a clever way to exempt leftists from the draft? Like, give draft exemptions for -- well, don't want to gove them any ideas (in case they read this), but I can think of a few possibilities.

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Good one, Dan. I'd add that an unknown fraction of this military phenomenon (as well as the bizarre Rainbow-sepukka displays of recent corporate campaigns) could very well be an intentional controlled demolition, to make way for a different set of commanders and shareholders.

(Damn, I really need to get cranking on that "corporate fire sale" conspiracy post, before some clever sonofabitch beats me to it.)

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Yeah, this could be the result of conspiracies within conspiracies, with each layer of the onion thinking they're the ones running the show and that the whole conspiracy is ultimately being run for their benefit. (Like the pattern you identified in your post on the Puppet Empire.)

And write that conspiracy post! I cannot wait to read it!

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The DIE may not be necessary as a way to purge the military of right-thinking people. As I understand it, recruitment is way down. Men who have the traits of courage, honor, and patriotism will not be drawn to careers in this military.

Should we feel patriotism toward a nation that is taking away our freedom?

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Yeah, many veterans have been going through the 5 stages of grief over what has happened with the country they thought they fought for, and many have moved onto acceptance. It's amazing the number of veterans who have said they will strongly discourage their own children from enlisting. I know I will tell mine not to. The enemies of the Constitution are now at the top of the chain of command.

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22 years in the army. Most of my adult life. It’s pathetic that I once believed we were right.

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The last time there was a wartime draft, the people being drafted came from a demographic (working class whites) that supported the war effort out of patriotism ingrained into them by a confident culture and a system they believed was acting in their interest. The leftists were the exempt college kids who burned down their campuses rather than even be associated with the war effort. After fifty years of exploitation of their patriotism and willingness to sacrifice, I cannot imagine there is enough goodwill left among working class whites where a draft would even be possible, and they don't really have another pool on which to draw upon. The enlistment rate data bears this out. There would be mass resistance to the draft on the level of the vaccine, especially since people realize that there would be an even more immediate threat to their lives.

One statistic I find interesting is that, while support for Trump among active duty service members largely mirrors that of the general public, among veterans no longer serving, it is significantly higher. Taken as a proxy, this indicates that there is a significant pool of people with military training, no longer under military authority, who dislike the current regime, which is good to know given the state of the system.



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1000% agree. So many veterans from families with traditions of military service going back generations are telling their kids NOT to enlist. The regime has really done its best to alienate everyone it will need in a crisis, so the next major black swan event (especially direct kinetic conflict with China and/or Russia) will be game over for these jackoffs.

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Thanks for the link to my post, Daniel. I agree with Jesse Kelly's point too, the woke commies do want control over the military, but I still don't want straight, white males going in. The neocons have no off switch and no reverse gear, they want a war with China, and they are likely to get it, and they might yet get NATO directly involved in a war with Russia.

So it is time for the soy boys, trannies, and others to step up to fight and die for the empire. Let them be the cannon fodder for the GAE. I don't want any more white, straight males dying for this rotten, corrupt empire.

I also hope they do a draft, and that forces the soy boys (and soy girls too) into the military to be blown apart by Russian/Chinese missiles and bombs. No more sitting on their asses while the straight, white guys die in the wars. Time for the woke commies themselves to fight and die.

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Completely agree. And Jesse Kelly tells young men not to join today's rainbow pride degenerate GAE military either. I think his read on the Marxcissists' intent is accurate, and your take on how young white men should respond is also accurate. The good news is, the commies have waged war on competence (for a variety of reasons), so their desires outstrip their abilities when it comes to their social engineering schemes, including whatever they're trying to do with the military. My prayer regarding the Marxcissists is, let them face the natural consequences of their ideology. And a super woke feminized military full of feminists and trannies going into battle against peer adversaries who don't give a shit about gender ideology or LGBTQ issues will lead to poetic justice in a big way.

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Frankly no. You guys assume that they are more unified and more competent than they are.

A quality management hires A quality people, B quality management hires C quality. Why? Because the alpha feels secure in his position and doesn't feel threatened by his new hires. On the contrary they know that they need an A team to compete externally.

The B will hire the C to avoid being displaced internally. To compete against external teams is barely considered, to compete internally is the only consideration.

So lowering standards and recruiting morons allows the midwits to keep their cushy jobs a the front of the gravy thrugh (sp?) that is the late imperial capital.

Internal competition around that throgh is the only competition that matters. The external competition required to maintain the gravy train is rendered invisible by a strong SEP field, Somebody Else's Problem.

It is not vast machiavelli conspiracy taking third order effects into consideration, it's a bunch of fat pigs looking out only for number one, which is exactly what we see when we look at these people.

Gluttonous Pigs unburden by any real sense of civic duty, virtue, strength of will and character nor ability to inspire men into any deeds larger than theft and larceny.

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As for the regime, it seems you have a significant number of true believer NPCs who just go with whatever the flow is and don't have a larger agenda besides imposing the communist religion on everyone else. For the "inner party," there are probably a variety of motives, but promoting an "outer party" of incompetent assholes who won't threaten their power probably is something they do.

Interestingly, something similar seems to have happened in South Africa allowing Jacob Zuma to become President, throwing a wrench into the communist ANC's gears: https://www.thepsmiths.com/p/review-south-africas-brave-new-world

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Don't let your young men DIE for their country. Make the other country make their men DIE for theirs.

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Ordinarily, that's how the leadership of a country thinks. But our Psychopath Occupied Government has shown time and again over the past few decades that they are happy to make America's own young men die for needless globalist wars while hamstringing them with unworkable rules of engagement. I don't think that has changed. The regime cares more about Raytheon's and Lockheed Martin's quarterly earnings than they care about the Americans who would die in combat. Given that, let the Marxcissists have a turn at bat, especially since they're so big on standing with Ukraine.

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I know reasons like "he asked for it" or "they had it coming" are out of style these days, but I think they should have stayed in style.

Since we prioritize freedom and choice these days, this kind of stuff is somewhat inevitable.

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Another explanation is that Globohomo has decided an easy way to get rid of the Bill of Rights is to arrange for the US to be defeated in war. So an army incompetent against foreign nations, but ready to kill Whites, could be a win-win for the the antiwhites.

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