Yes, the entire anglo-sphere is anti-motherhood, Canada is worse than the US based on fertility rates. The demonization of motherhood and family, by the Canadian Feminist Industrial Complex, the Laurentian Elite, the MSM and the Establishment, continues apace. Its kind of depressing at times.

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And a major driver of anti motherhood (and fatherhood) is feminist ideology. From the beginning of the second wave till today, motherhood has been explicitly denigrated. They thought the aim of liberation required it, so they propagandized generations of women to despise their deepest instincts and become more like men. This to me is the ‘by design’ part that, ironically enough, accelerated the atomization of society to the sole benefit of our corporatized consumer culture.

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Very true. And I think you nailed it, when you noted that feminist ideology was intentionally promoted for the purpose of benefiting the corporate interests.

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Such as the Meredith Corporation.

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"American culture is profoundly atomizing. Ours is a mercantile and hyper-financialized culture, where anything that can be commodified and sold will be, and anything that cannot be commodified and sold will be devalued. The foundation of our culture is the extreme existentialist ethos of “existence precedes essence” — meaning, that you are purportedly free from all bonds not consciously chosen (up to and including the bonds imposed by your own biology): you are supposedly a blank slate, and you are encouraged to believe that you, and you alone, have the pen and can write anything you want upon that blank slate that is your life. Obviously, that’s a load of lies."

The predictable outcome of these economic and spiritual realities is the online commoditization of self-generated fictions, e.g., a 300-pound eating machine who occasionally wobbles around in workout gear is a legitimate marathon runner, not someone likely to die in fifteen years at age 50.

Whenever I take the piss out of one of these clowns and am blocked right away, I'm tempted to call the blocking party a basic coward. But that's an out-of-date discursive norm; in almost every case, whether I'm accusing an obvious doper of using performance-enhancing drugs or pointing out, "Hey, 'whiteness' is a racist term," I'm not just exposing their fraudulencebut often messing with their main or only money stream.

It's sick and not likely to improve unless a lot of psychotic deviants decide to start killing each other instead of putting all their energy into reallocating anything of current or potential value into their lizard-dens.

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🥹 Most wholesome poast.

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Thanks! And that was a great video interview you did for Mother's Day!

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May 14, 2023Liked by Daniel D

In Spartan Greece, a man would only be given a grave stone to mark his life, if he died in battle. A woman could only have a grave stone, if she died in childbirth.

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Amazing how willingly women used to embrace motherhood, as dangerous as pregnancy and childbirth used to be, but now that it's so much safer, far fewer women opt for having babies.

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