Kendi is a Marxist.

And as a Marxist, anything that smacks of capitalism is racist.

These people need to get real jobs. Obviously the academic life has strangled their brains

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You are assuming that they had brains to strangle!

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‘Everything that exists is either racist or anti-racist.’

This isn’t my diagnosis, but I’ve once heard someone say that one of the ills of the post-modernist worldview is that it applies literary analysis to reality.

It’s like the joke of ‘why did the author make the curtains blue?’

To these people, the world is the setting of a story about racism and social justice. It is their interpretation of telos.

It’s like how religious fanatic preach that Earthquakes and floods are because so and so legalized porn. Or a drought killing a crop field is a sign that the Emperor has obviously lost the Mandate of Heaven.

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"one of the ills of the post-modernist worldview is that it applies literary analysis to reality."

That is very well put. We live in a memetic society, where "competence" is assessed based on one's ability to convincingly perform the prescribed ritual. Thus, we now have a competency crisis, and everything is falling apart.

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WOKE RACISM, John McWhorter's book, explains how the civil rights and social movements were hijacked by RACE GRIFTERS.

McWhorter is a heterodox, black liberal, PhD linguistics professor.

His analysis can be extended to the entire HATE CRIME HOAX driven WOKE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and all sorts of financial sleaze and corruption that overlaps the "corporate left" and the Clintons-Obama-Biden neolib/neocon faction of the Democratic party, which is a bunch of puppets whose strongs are being pulled by even more wealthy, creepy billionaire transhumanist-globalist types.


A heterodox (anarcho-libertarian) sociologist explains how "woke" is an integral part of the power structure of global elites:


attackthesystem. com /2021/12/06/curtis-yarvin-mencius-moldbug-on-tucker-carlson-today-09-08-21/


... the “woke” ideology (what I call “totalitarian humanism”) that presently constitutes the self-legitimating ideological superstructure of the ruling class is not the sole creation of the Brahmins alone.

[->] Every ideological superstructure has a materialist base and class base

(which in the case of totalitarian humanism would be digital capital, the tech revolution, “financialization” of the kind that has emerged from neoliberalism, the expanded technocratic class which is the product of the wider degree of specialization and the division of labor rooted in increased technological sophistication).

Additionally, “wokeness” is rooted in the wider infrastructure of statecraft which can be traced, at the irreducible minimum, to the

[->] collusion between the Frankfurt School and the OSS during WW2,

followed by the CIA’s creation of the Congress of Cultural Freedom in the 1950s. While elements of the ideological framework of totalitarian humanism may have their roots in the cultural revolution of the 1960s/1970s, in its present form

[->] “wokeness” represents a co-optation of those cultural patterns by the liberal wing of the capitalist class

( a specific strategy that was devised by Fred Dutton as far back as 1970). The insurgent sectors of the managerial class (primarily the expanded professional class and rising middle-class sectors among traditional outgroups) became the socioeconomic foundation for this co-optation, which allowed the liberal wing of capitalism to marginalize labor unions while cultivating these rising middle-class sectors as a replacement constituency for the traditional working class.


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"strings", not "strongs"

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Henry Rodgers (X Kendi) and his contemporary neo-Marxist, Angela Davis inspired race hustlers are what you get when human beings no longer value truth telling. Afterall, logic, reason and common sense are now villified as “White male privilege?” Let that sink in for a minute, how far we have fallen as a Society that reason and logic are “bad” things, but some Charlatan’s “lived experience” fabrications are seen as “truth?”

Human beings throughout history have always used scapegoats to take the blame for their own culpability and lack of personal responsibility, the only difference now is that we have made this grift fasionable, so race hustlers signal their “Elite” status by implying it, and then hipsters and fashionistas in return signal back that they consume these luxury beliefs.

Only people who are unscrupulous and have something to hide behave like Henry Rodgers and Angela Davis, it’s time to start being honest and pointing out what those things are, and just like that, their grip over our lives will evaporate. Daylight has always been the most effective disinfectant, and that will be true for the Black “sanctity” grift as well!

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Once Logic is labeled "white supremacist" and forbidden, and illogic is elevated to the status of virtue, then anything goes. Which is all part of the plan. Now you can have revolutionaries subsidized by Wall Street banks (unlike during the Bolshevik era, the banksters now do not bother to hide their support of the Marxists), black people labeled white supremacists, biological men awarded "woman of the year," etc.

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Quick. Someone tell the anti-racists the will to live is a white supremacist value.

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Now my head hurts because I can actually see all that happening.

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If you're gonna destroy the environment and endanger lives, make sure you do it the Antiractist Way!

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Hey, ChatGPT would approve! After all, it's better to nuke entire cities than say the N-word.

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Likely more true than the promoted narrative!

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Delicious satire. It is satire, right?

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I would say "yes," but these days, reality is stranger than satire. Today's Babylon Bee headline is tomorrow's Biden Administration press release. So just give it time, and it will probably turn out to be real.

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Refried beans are crucial. Methane leakage.

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Mexican food is ESG!

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Extra Saucy Gassy!

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Kendi: “wypipo cause genocide!”

Me: “give us time….”

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Well, that's the thing, Kendi and his ilk will trigger the white supremacy they've been screeching about. Things could have worked, but a certain globalist bankster spook-state cartel has done their best to make sure the rest of us stay divided, because it boosts their own short-term power and profits. Kendi is their useful idiot. If there is any justice, that cartel will fall into the pit they have dug for the rest of humanity.

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