"I don’t know why, but getting our consent — even if they obtain it only through fraud or duress — is really important to them."

My understanding, limited as it is, is that this is actually a crucial aspect of the demonic "religion" that they practice. Much as vampires of legend need permission to enter a home, Satan needs your permission to visit his evil upon you. (Now, this so-called "permission" can be obtained in any number of nefarious, dishonest ways, but still -- some sort of permission, even coerced and/or tacit, is required.) This is why you are right on to state, publicly and internally, "I DO NOT CONSENT."

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A new Iron Curtain (a la “1984”)…Well, that’s where the money wants it to go—whether it’s “right” zionism or “left” bolshevism. From the top-down perspective, it’s the same. Standard “Reaganomics. It’s been attempting re-establishment of the 20th century paradigm splitting east & west so the money can play both sides. That way, both the Old Money and the many various mobs / “states” who do their dirty work “win.” In my view this is the greatest sense in which DJT’s agenda is monoparty. They all know there will be eventually pushback from shark-jumping like covid and Ukraine and Gaza and domestic police state and propaganda saturation (and Chinese-mafia occupation of Toronto, according to Elizabeth Nickson’s reporting) etc, but they’ll have at least pushed it far enough to get at last another hundred years of solitude if not a thousand more.

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Fantastic article. Wariness is indeed needed when fully formed narratives pop up and out in such ridiculously short times. Especially when the many details defy common sense.

I too, hold out hope DJT is a genuine good man, but he certainly might not be. And given the problem/solution models the con artists in control run, it would be the height of foolishness to not consider that both sides of any given issue aren’t controlled and run concurrently (at least in part) to keep everyone headed exactly where they want us to end up.

We haven’t even begun to sort out the tangled mess that is our own country, and we’re being seeded to sort out England and Canada too? 🤔

Thinking along a different line, I noticed the tense of that first sentence in Trumps tweet “Many people in Canada LOVE being the 51st state. BEING….As in they already ARE the 51st state? I’ve read a few things that could indicate Britain got control back over America pretty quickly after we won the revolutionary war. You can’t keep those evil world bankers down. Certainly the banksters are running Canada as well as us and every other nation, so Canada has probably never had true freedom for many a long year. Just like us.

Your supposition on Orwell might be closer to truth than I’d like. After looking into the Huxley family tree and seeing where they came from and what they favored and what Aldous’ brother Julian was all about, I believe it’s pretty safe to say Brave New World was not a warning to wake us up, bit more a bit of spell-casting and predictive programming that harvested their weird need for consent of their victims.

It’s wearying, being on shifting sand; with truth hard to determine amidst the weirdness and chaos and confusion. But I center myself as best I can on God and His word, and hold onto that He and His will supersedes all else.

I also categorically do not consent to anything that evildoers are planning or will plan.

Keep up the good work you do.

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Thanks, and I think you're right about the British regaining control over the USA not long after the Revolutionary War. Britain basically turned its empire into a hedge fund; all the same banksters still own it, but they just use the geopolitical equivalent of shell companies and financial wizardry to make it look like they no longer do, and they've done their best to "downsize" the British people, because the empire was never about them (other than theirs being the blood shed to build and maintain it).

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To add to the madness, I've come across claims that Jennie Taer, the reporter who gave us a guided tour of Jabbar's apartment, is an Israeli asset. This is one of those claims...


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Would be surprising to absolutely no one if true. It will probably come out later that they filmed her segment before the attack even happened, like she had the same kind of magical foresight that Lucky Larry Silverstein and the Dancing Israelis had about 9/11.

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Great entertainment! It will keep without a doubt the herds of modern moron slaves distracted for all the rest...

One after the other!


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