Things have been getting really weird lately, with some strange and sophisticated PsyOps that appear to be laying the groundwork for something bigger. People’s OODA loops (“Observe Orient Decide Act”) are being reset with each new breaking story in the news cycle. I have no idea what it all means, or where it’s all heading. All I know is, caution is warranted.
Matthew Livelsberger, a Green Beret, was supposedly desperate to alert the American people to the clear and present danger posed by China’s super-advanced drones (i.e., Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!), and he was paranoid that the alphabet agency spooks were tracking him, so logically he decided to rent a Tesla cyber truck (exactly the kind of vehicle you would want if you’re being monitored), load it with high explosives, drive it to a Trump Hotel in Las Vegas, shoot himself, and then blow up his own corpse. Miracle of miracles, his Military ID survived the explosion, intact, just like the hijacker’s passport on 9/11, and this enabled federal law enforcement to identify him immediately.

A few hours before that, an ISIS-sympathizing jihadi, Shamsud-Din Jabber, went on a rampage in New Orleans to glorify Allah and remind Americans that the Global War on Terror (GWOT) never really ended. To make sure we got the message, law enforcement granted a New York Post reporter full access to the jihadi’s home the very next day, to give the curious public an inside look at a bomb-maker’s workshop. Nothing strange about that!

So two very strange terrorist attacks, both happening on New Year’s Day, both involving soldiers or former soldiers who had been stationed at Fort Bragg, and each of them implicates (in some way) a different “enemy,” one China (by way of Livelsberger’s purported email about the existential threat of China’s super-scary drones — a.k.a., WMDs), and the other Iran (supposed sponsor of ISIS, a jihadi terrorist organization operating all around Israel that has magically never attacked Israel). The more I learn about these two incidents, the more bizarre they seem.
A few months ago,
wrote an interesting analysis of similarly strange events, like the container ship taking out a Baltimore bridge and the land in Lahaina where all the proles lived, that just happened to be ripe for redevelopment, going up in flames.1 I’m not saying those disasters are connected to the New Year’s terrorist attacks, but they reveal the same pattern of unusual events coupled with implausible official cover stories. In some cases, the powers that be say, “Keep it moving! Nothing to see here!” And in other cases, they stop and point things out and say, “Everyone get a good look at this detail right here!” And all the while, I feel like I’m watching some wannabe David Copperfield street magician telling me with a straight face that he’s just made the Statue of Liberty disappear while simultaneously trying to sell me life insurance. I don’t know what to make of it. Are we about to be “memetically judoed” again?2On a different (but could it be related?) note, Trump has been trolling the Canadians lately about making their country the 51st State of the USA. Today, he escalated the rhetoric, making some folks wonder whether he’s really trolling them or is he for real? Trump said this:
Note what he says about how Canada would “be TOTALLY SECURE from the threat of the Russian and Chinese Ships that are constantly surrounding them.” Hmmmm. This is getting weird. China has WMDs (says the Green Beret who allegedly blew himself up outside a Trump Hotel), and Canada is constantly surrounded by these Chinese Ships (which are ostensibly the kind of ship that carries China’s WMDs), so Canada should be subsumed into the American Empire.
And then I saw this poll tweeted out by Elon Musk, asking whether America should “liberate” the British from their tyrannical government:
Now, I do agree that the British are suffering under a tyrannical government. I also like the idea of expressing kinship and solidarity with Europeans, since literally every other demographic practices in-group preference and since all of these other demographics appear to be openly united against us. But … something about this didn’t sit right with me. While I appreciate Elon Musk calling attention to the Pakistani-rape-gang crisis in the U.K. and to the scandalous way the British government has enabled the Muslim rapists and covered up their crimes against the native British, I also noticed multiple big Zionist accounts on X suddenly, now, making similar appeals as Musk — of course, they did so without addressing their own coalition’s significant role in fomenting the anti-white hatred and the open-borders mass-immigration policies throughout the West that created the conditions for these Pakistani-rape-gangs to run amok in Britain in the first place. So NOW the Zionists care deeply about Europeans and about them having their own countries and not being overrun by and replaced with brown Third-Worlders … What suddenly changed? The same folks who only yesterday called us “Freier” and “Goyim” are now championing our causes today?3 It’s like a pushy, slimy used car salesman suddenly showing up at your home and offering to rake your leaves or cut your grass for free and saying he just wants to be neighborly.
I also couldn’t help but notice that between Trump and Musk, they’re making the case for assembling the Global Superpower of Oceana, from Orwell’s 1984. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. Then again, 1984 is an odd book. In a world where history has been erased and rewritten and the mainstream media is just propagandistic noise, Winston Smith finally gets ahold of a “secret” book that explains how everything *really* works from a supposedly dissident standpoint, only to later learn that, while the book is accurate, it was actually written by Party insiders as part of a grand PsyOp. When you read that, did the thought cross your mind, “Is this what I’m reading now? A book, purportedly from a dissident perspective, that explains how everything *really* works, but that was really written by a Party insider as part of a PsyOp?” Is that just schizo paranoia on my part, or recognition of predictive programming in literary form? 1984 is a great book that explains a lot and which has turned out to be, eerily enough, prophetic. Some wiseacres have quipped (especially during COVID) that 1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual. Sometimes, though, I wonder about that. Maybe it was written by someone who was more like Obrien than Winston Smith? Regardless, the fact that Trump and Musk are now selling the idea of Oceana as a country we should aspire to create gives me an uneasy feeling.
A caveat is in order: I am not experiencing “buyer’s remorse” over Trump’s election. It was either him or Kamala, at the end of the day, and even if
and turn out to be correct that Trump made some “compromises” behind closed doors in order to be allowed back into the White House and that he is now firmly under the globohomo regime’s control, I would still rather have “Big Brother” in the White House than “Big Sister Kamala.” But I’m still holding out hope, for now, that some things will go my way (and my people’s way) under Trump’s Presidency, and I am certain that those possibilities would have been foreclosed under a Harris Administration.But all the same, I’m going to be more circumspect about what I agree to, going forward, especially since our depraved elite seem so hell bent on bamboozling us into voluntarily assenting to their agenda, rather than merely enforcing our outward and unwilling compliance (this, too, was depicted masterfully in 1984). I don’t know why, but getting our consent — even if they obtain it only through fraud or duress — is really important to them. Perhaps this is because of constraints on their power or rules that they have to follow, or maybe it’s only because it adds some extra pangs of pleasure to their psychopathic enjoyment of our suffering. Whatever the reason, I want to withdraw my consent as much as I can from whatever evil they have planned.
I can’t change things politically on a national level, let alone on the international level, where some really big PsyOps seem to be in the works. But I can be more aware of and in control of my own emotional attachments and the agreements I make, directly or indirectly, with the agendas of others, including — no, especially when it comes to politicians and public figures I generally like, such as Trump. I would encourage you all to do the same.
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If you’ve never heard the word “Freier” before, it provides an interesting window into how “Our Greatest Ally” sees us Americans:
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