Didn't read your whole thing yet. I will as soon as I'm back from a run, but I completely agree with the premise. and I'm glad you're saying this. BAP, as much as Andrew Tate are the real "woke right", or, put in other words, the deep state's right-hand punch, or the right-hand path of kabbalistic gnosticism. They destroy real right-wing power by giving liberals like James Lindsay a stick to beat the rest of the right over with.
Exactement, and they also use figures like him to keep kids from reading and to distract from the cultural and spiritual ailments our societies are suffering from. It's infuriating for writers like me and for those of us who want to see justice brought about.
Ever since I became aware of BAP, I set a clock. I figured people would eventually see through the plastic Patrick Bateman mask, or he would just rip it off entirely. Not quite there yet, it seems, but... tick, tick, tick.
Exactly. BAP is making the exact same argument that Jeffrey Epstein himself made, like they're kindred spirits with similarly demented tastes serving the very same devil.
What happened on that island ought not to be a political issue but a legal one. We ought to condemn it as the crime of this century. It's disgusting how some have tried to justify it.
disgusting indeed, but i dont see you condemning your substack friends for participating in these zio-circles and promoting their narrative campaigns. you speak out of two sides of your moth, BK.
Is that what it was? I just recall lots of gibberish with slightly veiled suggestions that the competent members of our military and deep state should go rogue and start conquering third world countries for fun and profit.
He didn't seem to grasp that the U.S. military is extremely system based. The parts are far less impressive than the whole.
"BAP is to the dissident Right what the Sackler family was to healthcare"
No, he really isn't. Because everyone already understands that BAP is a clown and a troll. BAP is entertainment. Occasionally he makes clever observations. Every clown has his moments.
Many people were entertained by his routine. Few were fooled. Most people in the DR never even noticed him, or cared.
I never heard of this guy until I read your post. However It seems as though you and others are missing the most effective inflection point. A focus on identifying and punishing perpetrators is like playing whack-a-mole or bailing the ocean with a teaspoon. Why not harden the target? Teach children that their integrity—honour, as they called it in classical times—is vital. When a police officer held an information session on sexual predation at our children’s school, he stressed that ‘money is for something.’ No one gives you anything without a quid pro quo. No one can live without integrity, and it can’t be recovered, once given up, or exchanged for any consideration without destroying yourself. Who would agree to have his or her heart ripped out for a camera, or $300? Because that is essentially what it does. Who would think their family valued them so little that the material benefit would be appreciated? Yet all the cultural messaging to children before they enter the public square by starting school is about ‘fun’ and ‘happiness.’ Teach children the primary importance of integrity by MODELLING it and the effects will go far beyond prevention of sexual predation.
Well, BAP does have a point. It appears that the girls were mostly seduced into the Epstein operation, although there is evidence that several were coerced into staying. A couple managed to walk away. The operation has the appearance of a prostitution ring running a sideline of blackmail. It seems likely that it was a honey trap run by, or working for, one or more intelligence agencies. And, yes, clearly they were going after young girls — chiefly high school age.
Didn't read your whole thing yet. I will as soon as I'm back from a run, but I completely agree with the premise. and I'm glad you're saying this. BAP, as much as Andrew Tate are the real "woke right", or, put in other words, the deep state's right-hand punch, or the right-hand path of kabbalistic gnosticism. They destroy real right-wing power by giving liberals like James Lindsay a stick to beat the rest of the right over with.
Exactement, and they also use figures like him to keep kids from reading and to distract from the cultural and spiritual ailments our societies are suffering from. It's infuriating for writers like me and for those of us who want to see justice brought about.
The non/post-Christian Right isn’t right wing. All the same pagan degeneracy
Yep, but they LARP as right wing, and many of us feel like we have to back them out of some misplaced solidarity or something.
I made the same points on X. It’s a creepy hill to fight on, much less die.
Ever since I became aware of BAP, I set a clock. I figured people would eventually see through the plastic Patrick Bateman mask, or he would just rip it off entirely. Not quite there yet, it seems, but... tick, tick, tick.
Yeah, that mask of sanity is really slipping.
Exactly. BAP is making the exact same argument that Jeffrey Epstein himself made, like they're kindred spirits with similarly demented tastes serving the very same devil.
Here's a question: What doesn't count as "prudish" to a tanmaxing, pole-smoking, wannabe Sturmabteilung sodomite?
And before anyone invokes Godwin's Law, remember that even the Nazis exterminated those psychos.
What happened on that island ought not to be a political issue but a legal one. We ought to condemn it as the crime of this century. It's disgusting how some have tried to justify it.
disgusting indeed, but i dont see you condemning your substack friends for participating in these zio-circles and promoting their narrative campaigns. you speak out of two sides of your moth, BK.
Want to bet the same organizations are funding BAP, who also funded Epstein?
That's probably a pretty safe bet.
Wonder where all the victims were sent...after being held against their will and abused by our so called "leaders".
He’s always been a degenerate promoting pagan morality
Is it confirmed BAP is a gay guy?
His attitude towards underage girls makes sense if he is because he genuinely finds girls unappealing and wouldn't care about them anyways.
Has BAP written anything useful?
BAP basically took "Peter Pan" and transformed it from a fictional character into a self-help book.
Is that what it was? I just recall lots of gibberish with slightly veiled suggestions that the competent members of our military and deep state should go rogue and start conquering third world countries for fun and profit.
He didn't seem to grasp that the U.S. military is extremely system based. The parts are far less impressive than the whole.
"BAP is to the dissident Right what the Sackler family was to healthcare"
No, he really isn't. Because everyone already understands that BAP is a clown and a troll. BAP is entertainment. Occasionally he makes clever observations. Every clown has his moments.
Many people were entertained by his routine. Few were fooled. Most people in the DR never even noticed him, or cared.
I never heard of this guy until I read your post. However It seems as though you and others are missing the most effective inflection point. A focus on identifying and punishing perpetrators is like playing whack-a-mole or bailing the ocean with a teaspoon. Why not harden the target? Teach children that their integrity—honour, as they called it in classical times—is vital. When a police officer held an information session on sexual predation at our children’s school, he stressed that ‘money is for something.’ No one gives you anything without a quid pro quo. No one can live without integrity, and it can’t be recovered, once given up, or exchanged for any consideration without destroying yourself. Who would agree to have his or her heart ripped out for a camera, or $300? Because that is essentially what it does. Who would think their family valued them so little that the material benefit would be appreciated? Yet all the cultural messaging to children before they enter the public square by starting school is about ‘fun’ and ‘happiness.’ Teach children the primary importance of integrity by MODELLING it and the effects will go far beyond prevention of sexual predation.
...to his credit, he's always been an open ziocon apologist, and mainly chooses to lie by omission.
His readership doesn't seem to understand the full implications of his position.
Well, BAP does have a point. It appears that the girls were mostly seduced into the Epstein operation, although there is evidence that several were coerced into staying. A couple managed to walk away. The operation has the appearance of a prostitution ring running a sideline of blackmail. It seems likely that it was a honey trap run by, or working for, one or more intelligence agencies. And, yes, clearly they were going after young girls — chiefly high school age.
What is BAP's point, though?