In this episode of the podcast, we discuss a recent post on X by Bronze Age Pervert (BAP). Below is a screenshot of his post.
And the community note:
Here is a link to BAP’s tweet: and a link to my response:
BAP is doing a lot in this post. The word “almost” is doing some very heavy lifting when he claims that “almost all the girls at Epstein Island were 18 or over.” Then BAP straight up lies when he claims that “there’s no evidence of anything under 17 or of abuse.” As the Community Note says, “Epstein was indicted for sexual abuse of girls as young as 14.” We’re talking middle-school age girls. And these weren’t girls who came from stable, intact homes where a father or even an older brother was looking out for them, helping them to avoid psychopathic predators, like a 50-year-old Israeli spy who pimped them out to powerful American oligarchs and public officials.1
Then there’s the sneaky rhetorical push BAP gives his readers to send them careening down a slippery slope. It starts with a screenshotted tweet in which someone criticizes 30-year-old men who are in relationships with “18 to 23 year old” women. Is that kind of relationship inappropriate? Maybe, maybe not. That would depend a lot on the facts and circumstances and whether the woman is on the older side of that age range. But regardless, there is a vast difference between what Jeffrey Epstein and his clients did to middle-school aged girls, and a 30-year-old man dating a 23-year-old woman. BAP’s rhetorical sleight-of-hand is like an abortion activist saying, “Well, since we can’t point to the precise moment that an embryo becomes an actual baby, there’s no difference between killing a nine-month-old viable fetus and aborting a nine-day-old embryo, so we should just go ahead and allow all of it.” Chesterton fences exist for a reason!
Why might a smart guy like Bronze Age Pervert bust out his rhetorical spellcasting to minimize the evils of Epstein Island?
I wonder if BAP made a similar case to minimize the harms done by the UK’s Pakistani rape gangs? “Oh, come on, you prudish, Puritannical Brits! Almost all of these white girls were 18 or over! This is just hysteria over natural attraction to fully grown women! You Limeys need to lighten up!” Why would people like BAP want to mollify everyone’s outrage about Epstein Island, but not the Pakistani rape gang scandal in the UK? To borrow a phrase from BAP (Bullshitter Apologist for Pedophiles), “Wut means?”
Basically, BAP is to the dissident Right what the Sackler family was to healthcare. He’s trying to sell you poison to make a fast buck while promoting degeneracy and the destruction of your civilization. He’s trolling for clicks and book sales and has no moral principles that he holds sacred and no commitment to America as a nation or to Americans as a people. BAP is a contrarian, but there are interesting limits to his contrarianism. For those with eyes to see, there are dots to connect and patterns to recognize. I see the game BAP is running, and I detest him for it.
Here’s one of many easily accessible articles about Jeffrey Epstein’s manipulation of vulnerable middle-school-aged and high-school-aged girls:
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