When all these climate zealots start killing themselves, then I will believe they believe it.

Only in a demonically inverted paradigm would the media scream climate change about Lihaina, and then say nothing at all about the barricades, the fact that there was no water in the pipes to put fires out, and why schools were closed before the fire.

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1000% spot on. For any story, the mainstream media covers it from whatever angle best promotes the elites' interests while concealing the elites' corruption and criminality.

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"Are they “true believers” — sincere, but deluded, useful idiots who are unaware that their quasi-religious devotion has been weaponized by others? Or are they cynical grifters, eager to signal their loyalty to the regime in order to catch the eye of some powerful patron who will promote and reward them for being on the correct team?"

I used to be a senior writer for a national running magazine (there aren't many) and freelanced for a few other fitness pubs. Happily, not only am I formally excommunicated from that environment, most of the stuff I wrote for those demoralized outlets has been digitally vaporized as well.

Because neither distance running nor track and field more broadly are popular spectator sports in the U.S., they were more organically susceptible to Wokish vandals, saboteurs, others of a shitbird bent long before anyone realized Wokism was coming. Also, its fan base consists of a lot of recreational runners and joggers; this is an activity for those with free time, which in turn makes it a pursuit of the affluent. It also attracts body-neurotics. Presto! The entire running media now consists of white, frazzled harridans and old maids whose main purpose in life is to infect women's sports with as many mentally ill "females" with pink goatees and persistent erections (penile not clitoral, like you had to ask).

The whole shitshow is nothing but the most cynical and gelatinous grifters around. One is a black woman posing as a marathon runner who really is 5' 3" and 300 pounds, just like the fuckin' song. Sponsorships from HOKA, a free entry to the Boston Marathon (with 8,000 others turned away because the entry field was allegedly capped and full) so she could waddle 3 miles and quit.

Does one laugh? Cry? For me, each now bleeds into the other and I can tell you that I know some of the professional runners who are now all in on the horseshit -- and they to a one absolutely believe none of the shit they retweet, like praising "nonbinary" bozette who now holds the American record in the women's mile. And I think I would forgive them more if they did; I would rather consign someone to terminal retardation than optional spinelessness.

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That's the insanely absurd pattern that holds for every area of life that these Marxcissists infiltrate. It really is a mind-virus. And somehow, all these crazy causes are joined at the hip. The same clown who celebrates 300 lbs marathon runners also supports bans on "fossil fuels" and drag queen story hours for young children. And for every true believer, there are ten opportunists who just bleat whatever the slogan of the day is in order to advance their own careers and online popularity, who will happily change on a dime whenever a contradictory slogan becomes fashionable.

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The Gen Dread substack is the definition of climate hysteria driven mental illness

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Indeed, comrade! Thanks for all you do on your substack to help us resist the demoralization phase of this communist color revolution in the USSA!


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WSJ had a piece about an electric company that neglected its duties to maintain the integrity of their electricity wires and facilities. That company (I forgot its name) played a huge role in the fire. But will it be held accountable? Nope. Because the Earth being Earth and the Sun being the Sun are to blame.

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Exactly. Blackrock and Vanguard probably own the electric company, but they do not own the climate; that's why the climate is being blamed. Fucking Neiman Marxists.

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Oh geez, you're right. Hawaiian Electric Industries is the company and their top shareholders are, indeed, Blackrock and Vanguard (https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/HE/holders/)

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Wow. You cannot even make this stuff up. They're going to drive our civilization off a cliff. At least on the way down, I hope the normies wake up in sufficient numbers to break out the guillotines for Larry Fink and his ilk.

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Wow DD, wonderfully jammed with relevant outlier info, seasoned nicely with deserved sarcasm, thanks! I think I smell the blood of a Voluntaryist?

“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs

Get free, stay safe.

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Thanks, and great quote!

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Great piece. Articulate anger is particularly bracing. And infectious.

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Thank you, sir!

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I almost don't want to look deeper into the Lahaina situation, especially after you brought up how Malthusian they are. But ever since 2015 I've encountered the most perplexing, detached and heartless reactions to things that would demand them of any human being. Including covid, where the WEF appeared to be happy about covid and the lockdowns. I don't blame you for questioning their humanity. Something's either broken or sold to the devil.

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"Something's either broken or sold to the devil." Exactly!

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Green is the new Red.

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I've heard them described as watermelon communists: green on the outside, red on the inside.

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Many people have the reincarnated souls of factory farmed animals

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That's an interesting choice of words. Maybe much more apt than we realize: https://rumble.com/v25aboz-memory-wipe-and-labyrinths.html

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Interesting video. I haven’t gotten through the whole thing but I can agree with some of his premise. I don’t know that all memory gets wiped, I say that from anecdotal experience. Not that I remember specific lives, but rather certain types of knowledge have always been intrinsic as far as I can remember. I agree as young children it’s more likely we have a stronger connection as children are still part and parcel of the astral realm in their thinking and perception.

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He raises some interesting questions. I have no idea what the anomalies mean, but I do share his sense that they are significant.

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In any movement you will find informed activists who are honest, informed activists who exaggerate intentionally in order to get The People to act, virtue signallers who will mouth talking points, exploiters who will use the issue for power and/or money, the press who will exaggerate in order to make an exciting story, and the gullible who actually believe the press.

The existence of the dishonest does not disprove the underlying problem.

Case in point: look at the economic predictions of the Austrian School economists back in the 1980s. Had you followed the advice of the gold bugs you would have lost out on the biggest stock market run in U.S. history. Does this disprove the entirety of Austrian School economic thinking?


I do not know the full impact of human added CO2 in the atmosphere. But I am certain the impact is higher than HAARP or chemtrails.

The Settled Science says that the first order forcing term is logarithmic. So until someone shows me evidence of some second order tipping point, I'm not going to panic. The 350 ppm threshold thing was a pure marketing gimmick promoted by Bill McKibben. (As far as I can tell, he's one of the informed sincere activists who was willing to play mind games for The Cause.)


The optimal political strategy is:

1. Point out the logarithmic driving term. Wikipedia is your friend here.

2. Point out the many counterproductive and outright destructive measured promoted by the serfdom quadrant activists.

3. Point out that impoverishing the West will accomplish nothing. We have to come up with solutions which enable the developing world to finish developing.

4. Work on viable alternatives which are compatible with liberty and with developing the developing world. (Watch early episodes of "The Dukes of Hazzard" and/or read some Jerry Pournelle and Petr Beckmann.)

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The existence of the dishonest does not disprove the underlying problem.

True, but the dishonest are the ones at the forefront of this movement and the ones dominating the public conversation and the political response.

I do like #4. If the climate activists start pushing that kind of “green new deal,” I could totally get on board with it.

Also, #3 is very important. Helping China (by becoming dependent on them for wind, solar, and battery components) whilst hurting the West, in the name of helping the environment, is absolutely retarded. Yet that's the path the climate activists want us to pursue.

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Number 4 is our opportunity. We need reactionary environmental activists. Use the environmental issues to push our agenda.

Hint: open borders and ecotopia are inompatible.

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Aug 26, 2023
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I can get on board with those who sincerely want to promote a healthy environment for all (a rare breed in the modern environmentalist movement). As for political philosophies that I think would be most compatible with that, Distributism is the one for me. Independent family farmers will take care of the land in a way that rapacious, bankster-owned multinational corporations never will. And by eliminating the parasites atop our society, we would eliminate the need for all the bullshit jobs that keep us all distracted generating a lot of useless busywork so we don't notice how badly the bankster parasites are fucking us over.

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