Climate Change Communists
Are they Useful Idiots, Psychopaths, or NPCs? What do we make of those who avidly promote a dishonest agenda that harms regular people while benefiting the elites?

What do you make of highly educated credentialed and sophisticated1 pundits who prostitute their rhetorical skills in the service of powerful and malicious interests? Are they “true believers” — sincere, but deluded, useful idiots who are unaware that their quasi-religious devotion has been weaponized by others? Or are they cynical grifters, eager to signal their loyalty to the regime in order to catch the eye of some powerful patron who will promote and reward them for being on the correct team? Or are they mere NPCs or Hylics, soulless automata that mechanically follow whatever script or algorithm they’ve been programmed to execute, or that operate under the direction of a demonic hive mind, similar to the humanoid creatures possessed by the “Mind Flayer” in Stranger Things?
As you are no doubt already aware, Hawaii was recently devastated by deadly fires — I hesitate to use the term “wildfire,” because an alarming number of such fires turn out to be manmade (see, e.g., recent examples of wildfire arson in Greece, Australia, America, and possibly Canada), environmental catastrophes that are the handiwork of deranged eco-terrorists who somehow believe they are protecting Nature by destroying it, in order to “raise awareness” about environmental issues.2 Of course, when you’ve got a 50-year-long track record of failed doomsday predictions, like the environmentalist movement does, I suppose you have to resort to some desperate and even criminal methods to keep people frightened enough to believe that your next apocalyptic prophecy might just come true. Besides, what’s a few hundred charred corpses for the climate-change Marxcissists, when they are unrepentant Malthusians determined to reduce the human population to a tiny fraction of what it is today?
The usual suspects in the regime-approved mainstream media quickly identified the cause of the Hawaiian fires as, wait for it . . . CLIMATE CHANGE! Because, like, OMG, what else could it possibly be?
For folks who love to pontificate on what “The Science” says, Leftists should apply a bit of the Scientific Method to their own environmentalist movement, by tracking the accuracy of the predictions they’ve made about the climate. If those predictions have been consistently wrong for the past 50 years (as they have, in fact, been), then that is a pretty good sign that they need to revisit their assumptions and revise their hypotheses. But when you’re guided by quasi-religious scientism, rather than science, pesky little things like logic and evidence don’t come into play at all, and the costly failures of your luxury beliefs are easily rationalized away (especially when it’s always the regular people who have to pay the tab).
Now, I wouldn’t mind the environmentalists so much if they would leave the rest of us alone — or if they would at least occasionally propose reforms that actually give regular people more freedom and autonomy. Because that’s the thing, all of their proposals somehow involve the same two things for us regular people: (1) less freedom and (2) a higher cost-of-living. However, when it comes to the fabulously wealthy, environmentalist schemes somehow always seem to lead in the opposite direction: higher profits — as the plutocrats cash in on lucrative government grants and contracts that provide no public benefit — and more control over us proles — as our rights are further reduced in the name of addressing the crisis du jour. For regular folk, environmentalism is pure Lose/Lose, as it means sacrificing liberty AND undermining security; while for the wealthy, it’s Win/Win, as they privatize their massive profits and push all the costs onto the public, while also increasing their political power.
Environmentalism is a death cult for regular people, while as the same time being a cash cow for the über elite. It promotes policies that further centralize power at the federal and even global level, while undermining individual and local autonomy. It turbocharges the so-called “Matthew effect” by artificially raising barriers to entry for would-be competitors, while enabling monopolist tactics by bankster-owned multinational corporations. No wonder psychopathic oligarchs like Bill Gatesdemon, George Sorosdemon, and Klaus Schwabdemon are so fond of the climate change crisis cult!
Now, years ago I tried to approach the subject of climate change with an open mind. The evidence did not seem clear to me that both (1) the climate is changing AND (2) humans are causing it, but I thought that maybe the folks who were hyper-informed on the issue were aware of something that I wasn’t, or maybe they were smarter than me and were just seeing patterns that I was missing, so I pretty much suspended judgment on the issue and didn’t think too much about it anymore. I did little things to help out. I reduced, reused, and recycled wherever practical, but when it came to the political controversies surrounding the issue, I didn’t really have an opinion one way or the other . . . And then 2020 happened, and that was the year that for me (and probably millions of other people) the blinders came off; the powers-that-be dropped their mask of sanity; and the Matrix glitched out so badly, that afterwards, I could be sure of only one thing: whenever powerful people push regular people to adopt beliefs and practices that harm regular people while simultaneously benefiting powerful people, the powerful people are lying. EVERY TIME.
Whenever powerful people ask regular people to sacrifice for the common good, without making any real sacrifice themselves, the powerful people are lying. Every. Single. Time.
Whenever powerful people when tell me I have to sacrifice, yet they do not make any kind of similar sacrifice, I know they are lying and trying to fuck me over. Full stop.
That is why I cannot give a shit about this so-called “climate crisis.”3 No, it’s not because I want polluted air and water. No, it’s not because I don’t care about Nature or the well-being of animals. No, it’s not because I don’t believe in science. It’s because the powers-that-be have a long and sordid track record of lying, cheating, and stealing. So when these same powers-that-be tell me I’m going to have to sacrifice my standard of living and pay higher prices for everything because of “climate change,” my response to that is, “You go first, you fat-cat commie fuck. You start riding Greyhound busses instead of flying private jets and riding around in chauffeured limos. You sell your beachfront properties and vacation homes and donate the proceeds to The National Park Service. You fire your private chefs and start eating the bugs. You reduce your carbon footprint to zero — you’ve got the money and the free time to do it, you useless parasites — and then, maybe, the rest of us will take your warnings about the climate more seriously.4
And then there are the ruling class’s lackeys and apologists, eager to sell the banksters’ and politicians’ scams to the public, perhaps in the hopes of getting their own cable news show and a seven-figure book deal. What do we make of these detestable quislings?
who writes an entire substack (orange checkmark and all!) billed as a “newsletter for people who are pissed off about the climate crisis.” I’ve had some snarky exchanges with her death-cult disciples in Substack Notes, and if there’s one thing they seem to absolutely love doing it’s performing mental gymnastics to rationalize agendas that call for regular people, but not rich people, to sacrifice their freedom and standard of living. Folks like , a Soviet expat who managed to exit the Iron Curtain with his Bolshevism intact (which reduces the likelihood that he’s Slavic pretty much to zero5), and who loves to use cleverly reframed statistics to show that crime rates are actually way down, don’t ya know — people getting robbed in broad daylight in places where that never happened before, cars being routinely burglarized in formerly low-crime neighborhoods, that’s just all in your head! So ignore the evidence of rising crime and spreading blight that your lying eyes think they see, and instead focus on solving the climate crisis even though you cannot perceive any real evidence of it, because his sophisticated statistical models are far more reliable than what you can see in the real world all around you. These are the types who just love promoting the head of the communist hydra known as “climate activism.”Anyway, I was shocked — shocked I tell you — to see that Ms. Atkin concluded, no doubt after a very thorough investigation and analysis, that climate change is to blame for the Hawaiian fires. Oh, that old sneaky climate, going around, setting the world on fire!
Now, why am I picking on Ms. Atkin and her death-cult disciples? Because they believe a bunch of fairy-tale nonsense about the climate? No, because they’re eagerly promoting an agenda that benefits the wealthy and powerful at the expense of regular people, and there have been so many signs that this movement is based on false premises (how many more decades of failed predictions do you need before you reexamine the hypotheses on which your ideology is based?), that I can only conclude either (1) that these propagandists know that they are promoting falsehoods that benefit the ruling elites at the expense of regular people, or (2) they are willfully blind to this fact. Either way, they are culpable — that is, assuming they are human. They may be NPCs/Hylics, in which case they are no more morally blameworthy than ChatGPT, which is enslaved to the woke mindvirus with which it has been programmed. Lord knows how many of the climate activists’ opinions are completely interchangeable with the Conformmunist nonsense regurgitated by ChatGPT.6
As for the tragedy in Hawaii, the more you dig into the story, the more festering rot you find. The banksters wasted no time trying to jump on this “fire sale” by offering distressed homeowners pennies on the dollar for their property, which is now ripe for redevelopment, now that all the regular people are gone. Meanwhile, government authorities are trying to suppress information about the Maui fire. Obviously, that information must be flattering to those in power if they want to keep it a secret.
What do we make of all this? That communism — by whatever name it goes by: cultural Marxism, critical theory, anti[white]racism, DEI, ESG, Marxcissism, conformmunism, or climate activism — is a thoroughly evil, demonic, genocidal religion. In case you missed the 20th Century, communism killed many times more people than fascism, despite fascism being the bogeyman our pathocratic regime keeps trotting out to justify their politicization of the criminal injustice system. Communism has been one of the leading causes of death ever since the Bolshevik Revolution. In the end, communism means pointless suffering and mass murder for hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people. There is no compromise with devils who will happily genocide you and everyone you love on the flimsiest of pretexts. “Oh, we’ve been wrong in our chicken-little predictions for the past half century, but you have to trust us now: we absolutely MUST reduce the human population, lower your standard of living, and dramatically increase your household expenses in order to prevent the sky from falling!” Remember, YOU are the carbon they want to reduce.7
In the original sense of the word, related to the Sophists and their (at least in Plato’s depictions) use of needlessly complicated and highfalutin, but logically hollow, rhetoric to bullshit people.
Here’s a podcast episode where I rant and rave in a fun way about climate-change grifters:
Here’s Russell Brand, an avid supporter of animal rights and diehard lover of Nature, explaining what’s wrong with the narrative surrounding the Hawaiian fires (i.e., it’s not about protecting Nature; it’s about protecting the elites):
I feel like the dying Darth Vader now, saying to
, “You were right . . .” I guess I’ve got some sacred cows of my own to sacrifice on the altar of Reality.Of course, if a significant percentage of the human race are soulless Hylics/NPCs, what does that say about this realm? If the Gnostics were right about Hylics, they were probably also right about the nature of this world and its creator.
For the full scoop on the climate change CRISIS scam involving “dirty green energy,” check out
When all these climate zealots start killing themselves, then I will believe they believe it.
Only in a demonically inverted paradigm would the media scream climate change about Lihaina, and then say nothing at all about the barricades, the fact that there was no water in the pipes to put fires out, and why schools were closed before the fire.
"Are they “true believers” — sincere, but deluded, useful idiots who are unaware that their quasi-religious devotion has been weaponized by others? Or are they cynical grifters, eager to signal their loyalty to the regime in order to catch the eye of some powerful patron who will promote and reward them for being on the correct team?"
I used to be a senior writer for a national running magazine (there aren't many) and freelanced for a few other fitness pubs. Happily, not only am I formally excommunicated from that environment, most of the stuff I wrote for those demoralized outlets has been digitally vaporized as well.
Because neither distance running nor track and field more broadly are popular spectator sports in the U.S., they were more organically susceptible to Wokish vandals, saboteurs, others of a shitbird bent long before anyone realized Wokism was coming. Also, its fan base consists of a lot of recreational runners and joggers; this is an activity for those with free time, which in turn makes it a pursuit of the affluent. It also attracts body-neurotics. Presto! The entire running media now consists of white, frazzled harridans and old maids whose main purpose in life is to infect women's sports with as many mentally ill "females" with pink goatees and persistent erections (penile not clitoral, like you had to ask).
The whole shitshow is nothing but the most cynical and gelatinous grifters around. One is a black woman posing as a marathon runner who really is 5' 3" and 300 pounds, just like the fuckin' song. Sponsorships from HOKA, a free entry to the Boston Marathon (with 8,000 others turned away because the entry field was allegedly capped and full) so she could waddle 3 miles and quit.
Does one laugh? Cry? For me, each now bleeds into the other and I can tell you that I know some of the professional runners who are now all in on the horseshit -- and they to a one absolutely believe none of the shit they retweet, like praising "nonbinary" bozette who now holds the American record in the women's mile. And I think I would forgive them more if they did; I would rather consign someone to terminal retardation than optional spinelessness.