I'm no fan of Tate but I've listened to the first 75% of the Tucker interview and appreciated much of what he had to say. One thing I noticed, and maybe he did in the end, but Tucker never asked him how he made all that money. Tate's bravado is ultimately hollow to me, based mostly on mere materialism. But in contrast to the vicious pederasty-phile of the elite media, Tate is refreshing.

That said, the NYT is celebrating my State, Minnesota, for being a destination site for parents wanting to sterilize their girls and turn their boys into eunuchs, so the war is still leaving behind many a casualty with no real end in sight.

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That's my assessment of Tate as well. In the vein of Aristotle's formulation of virtue as the mean between opposing vices, Tate is somewhere between virtuous and vicious, but in a way that is in opposition to the regime culture, which is entirely at the opposite vicious extreme (and which is entirely vicious, without even a hint of virtue). Probably Tate provides a first baby step to young men to break from the Globohomo culture, and hopefully most of those young men subsequently grow and mature enough to break from Tate where he is wrong and to forge their own, more complete moral understanding and practices.

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In another context I remarked that Andrew Tate is like a host of other influencers on the RW side; 90% of what he says is gold, but the other 10% is pimping and manipulation of women to profit from the loneliness and alienation of the young men he claims to be helping. I have no idea if the charges against him are legitimate or not but I hope he comes out of this committed to leaving that life behind.

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That breakdown sounds about right, for many of the most popular RW "influencers" put there, so if Tate is anything like them, I'm sure it's a bad idea to listen uncritically to him, though that's pretty much true of everyone. The points he makes in his interview with Tucker all seem pretty solid, though.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Daniel D

The mainstream media is against trafficking women, because they can’t define what a woman is.

They are all for trafficking children, because they can groom them into whatever they want.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Daniel D

1. I am with you all the way (even maybe to your right) but when you noted Mr Rothschild's name I jumped. Please don't do down the Jew-hating hole, for about 100 reasons. It repels people.

2. Here is Roy Teixeira on how the cultural marxists have hijacked the Democratic Party to its electoral detriment:


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I didn't comment on his name because he's Jewish, but because he's a Rothschild. I'd have done the same thing if he was a Gates or a Schwab.

I'll check out the Teixeira piece. The cultural Marxists definitely own the Democratic Party.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Daniel D

All good.

BTW, the Rothschilds are chump change these days (I know this).

We are lucky the lunatics own the Dem party because it is killing them with the working class and not just the white working class. Blacks and latinos are culturally conservative and more Christian than whites most of whom are atheists.

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I expect more blacks and latinos to shift rightwards as they increasingly realize the deep-seated contempt with which the Democrat establishment actually views them. As the older generations of Democrat leaders die out, the ones who take their place cannot be bothered even to pretend to care about working-class issues.

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Forbes deleted the second of those Conor Murray articles before the Internet Archive could grab it. I saved a version cached by Google here:


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Interesting. I've noticed lately that certain embarrassing articles from leftists don't come up in Google searches even when specifically searching for them. I guess they're busy memory-holing them at the Ministry of Truth.

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"This is another sign that the tide has turned in the culture war."

It seems that the Leftists' claims have gone too far beyond reality. The believers pretend to believe the lies, but no one else is capable of taking them seriously. The Leftists must be convinced that their control of the government/Uniparty and all of the institutions makes invulnerable now. I guess we will find out if they are correct.

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The Marxcissists' defeat won't happen overnight (neither did their long march through the institutions), but it will happen. They've been on offense for decades, operating sub rosa, but after they overplayed their hand and dropped their mask of sanity in 2020-21, they've been on defense doing damage control. Of course, the real power brokers behind the scenes will probably just try to switch horses mid-stream, once they see that cultural Marxism is dead as a vehicle for implementing the kind of control system they want.

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Love this. Also every time I see Globohomo written it makes me laugh. Its just like Big Oil, Big Feminism, and now, Big Gay. Yep.

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Yeah, "globohomo" is one of those perfectly apt terms that I really wish I had come up with!

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I hadn't heard that expression for a long time. I looked it up on the net and Urban Dictionary said it was supplanted as an expression by 'cultural Marxism' which per Wikipedia is a 'conspiracy theory'. Of course they say that. I still think Globohomo is a great and relevant expression, especially with the current wave of rainbow jackboots on the march. 'Celebration' is not optional. You know you have a problem when...

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The message of this wealthy MMS is indeed a must CULL one.

And even though he believes that being wealthy is a form of "freedom" this belief of his is not Real. Under the current MONETARY SYSTEM anyone that keeps his/her wealth in the BANKING SYSTEM (owned and controlled by Secular Families & their Friends the Billionaires) doesn't really owns the money. So either the dude has a large part of his wealth in a Physical form or he might have a surprise sooner than he expects!

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