At the risk of letting sheer autism spoil the humor, the genetic evidence seems to suggest that cross-breeding between Sapiens and Neanderthalensis was exclusively through the male lineage of the latter, either because Neanda women couldn't bring half-breeds to term, or because hybrids with Sapiens Y chromosomes were sterile, or because the crosses were all produced by male neanderthals getting rapey. OR, and I just thought of it: perhaps all such hybrids were killed at birth by human supremacists, whereas the kind, wise, and gentle neanderthals raised their hybrid offspring like their own, which nurturing aspect to their harmonious culture led to many Sapiens women defecting from their evil subspecies.
As another aside, what about the Denisovans? African genocide against our peoples wasn't limited to Neandas, my Neanda! We are all POGs (People of Genocide), and that's a big coalition!
Let's do science like the woke and just ignore all the possible explanations that might tend to reflect poorly on the Neanderthals. I like the last possibility you raise, so let's just focus on gathering evidence to support it (and invent such evidence as needed) and ignore any and all contrary evidence. The narrative about our victimhood and the saintliness of every one of our ancestors must be maintained!
And I love the term "POG!" I will add that to my self-description on future diversity statements.
"The Neanderthals must have been gorilla chads attacking females of other species," they conclude. Before the evidence arrives. It's all a lie. The Neanderthals were incredibly xenophobic and always chose to withdraw rather than fight over territory. That's why when Cro-Mags arrived, all the Neanderthals developed chests like barrel organs and moved to high altitudes. The whole reason their genes were superior is they were very picky in their mating strategies. Cro-Magnon was quantity, the Thals were quality. That's why all genes for abstract reasoning are from Neanderthals. I doubt if you could talk a Neanderthal (male or female) into mating with what seemed like animals to them. Very picky about mate selection. Cro-Magnons apparently would hump anything that looked vaguely like people in contrast.
You left out homo floresiensis and homo giganticus.
The neanderthals didn't survive on Earth in large numbers from about 35,000 years ago but we don't have comprehensive information.
A great many lives were lost in the flood described in the epic of Gilgamesh, the story of Noah, the Edfu building texts, and “meltwater pulse B” in the geological record.
It's not clear to me that our species is entirely genocidal. And it's mistaken to punish the children and grandchildren for the sins of the parents.
Problem John is that you believed the public explanations they gave you, thinking the alternative is so inhuman it is not comprehensible ... Neanderthal women were gang raped by so many men during their lifetimes that female RNA scarcely even exists - they bore multiple children by multiple men ... but at least 50% of them DIED of the RH- blood clotting problem in pregnancy. So Cro-Magnon men were gangbanging them all day long and when they died during childbirth they'd just drag them out for the buzzards. The males who survived were kept alive to work on weapons of vastly superior manufacture ... which gave these Cro-Magnon tribes incredible advantage over other tribes with no Neanderthal slaves.
I was eavesdropping on an anthropology thread out of Texas where the academics were laughing that the general public would never know the real reason for sparse female RNA of Thals in our gene pool.
Like you I heard all these conventional explanations. Problem is they are all lies, with political motivations for the very reasons we are talking about. White Europeans have never been victims anywhere, it is forbidden to suggest.
In college anthropolgy class a long time ago, the professor mentioned certain traits only descendents of Neanderthals have and I had some. Team Neanderthal for the win.
What up, my Neanda! Think about how big our reparations payments will be! Take the value of our ancestral homelands and all that cave art (priceless), and tack on 40,000 years of compound interest! I'll be like Donell Rawling's character on Chappelle's Show: "I'm rich, bitch!"
With extermination of Denisovians by Africans in the South alone more than justifies all of them turning in their EBT cards. Repamarations for the Thals, the real victims of genocide.
Hey! I found your stack via Rollins’ Review. Good stuff, my friend. I write material in this vein as well on my stack, Sincere American Writing. I dig the satirical take on white woke identity politics. It absolutely deserves to me mocked, loathed, ridiculed. For me, as a P.C.--Proud Cracker--I feel the need to constantly validate my right to exist. Now I can claim Neanderthal-hood!!!
True, but...I'm taking a cue from the racialist grifters like Kendi and DeAngelo and steadfastly refusing to deal with or even acknowledge nuance or ambiguity. Thus, my all-or-nothing, black-and-white thinking remains unaffected by this inconvenient fact about the world!
Shoot, I'm gonna start a fund-raiser to become a multimillionaire real-estate tycoon, and I'm gonna call it "Neanda Lives Matter," and if you criticize me for grifting, I will have my followers attack you and get you canceled for RACISM!
"Oh, so you want to criticize NLM? So you believe Neanda lives DON'T matter? Twitter NPCs, attack!!!"
I'm working on some that say "Neanda Lives Matter." We'll partner with Antifa to march through urban areas and set fire to any buildings and automobiles that don't have the sign. It'll be a great way to fight fascism and raise money for the cause.
As a proud Neanda, I support this Stack as “stack of the year”. I think a Time “Neanda of the Year” cover should feature you and be released as you perform stick drawings at the Super Bowl half time.
Hell yeah! And speaking of, why are we not represented in the NFL according to our percentage of the overall population? And not only us, but how about Asians?! When are we going to see Asian and Native American head coaches? The NFL is oppressive and toxic.
My page on Neanderthals, Aspergers Autism and the Man trying to hide the war of extermination, gang rape and enslavement he conducted. Check your privilege, Cro-Mags!
I can't say too much, Daniel. I don't think I need to.
Whites need to learn they have a genetic trump card that beats all the victim entitlement schemes that these savages could ever come up with.
You were once enslaved? WE WERE CANNIBALIZED, GANG RAPED AND THEN ENSLAVED. All non-whites are amateur hour compared to the sob story we have latent in our gene pool. We've got you ALL beat. WE WERE ALWAYS ABOLITIONISTS. The non-whites have been dealing in slaves for thousands of years but claim there is something special about their enslavement.
FACE IT, YOU WANT TO THROW DOWN ON THIS SUBJECT, NOBODY ANYWHERE HAS EVER BEEN A BIGGER N*GGER THAN THE NEANDERTHALS. The entire planet continues to sh*t all over us to this day and we never got any compassion from anybody. We tried to break off and form our own nation to see to it we could treat each other fairly amongst our own kind, all of these victims FOLLOWED US HERE and keep screeching we are the bad guys.
Never forget, 8 out of 10 slaves in the Deep South were owned by beanie babies. It's right there in the manifests and bills of sale and auction results in plan english. One in 10 slaves was owned by a BLACK FREEMAN who had no problem with slavery. That leaves just one slave to be owned by a poor white sharecropper and even that is speculative because very few bills of sale can even be found to validate that sharecroppers owned slaves.
NO BIGGER N*GGERS ON EARTH. If we were crybabies like they are we could really grind them into dust with this angle.
Think about it. It sounds hilarious until you realize it is true. GENETIC SEQUENCING shows that Americans have the highest ratio of Neanderthal genetic expression of any people in the world.
The entire conversation around slavery needs to be reframed to bring it in line with the truth: if we're going to do collective virtue or guilt on a racial level, then blacks owe whites reparations and gratitude for ending slavery as an institution in our nations. Their fellow Africans sold them into slavery in the first place, and African cultures were not about to end slavery or the slave trade on their own (and indeed, slavery is still practiced in Africa today). Meanwhile, the word "slave" has its origin in the word "Slav," which is white people.
I really think that's a bigger distinction than most of these "identity" markers that get politicized. Autism, whatever the constellation of traits are that that term refers to, vs "normal" brained people, really do seem almost like two different species. I suspect there are a lot more of us than most people think, because so many of us (such as yourself) have learned to mask it when needed and move back and forth between the interacting with normies on their level and interacting with others on the spectrum. I still cannot believe that some large percentage of people (possibly half or even more) have no inner monologue of any sort. That seems to be a hugely important distinction, though I'm not sure what it means or what other aspects of personality are affected by it. I suspect few autists are among the demographic with no inner monologue.
I've wondered that about Neanderthals also. I don't know if anybody's done any research on whether there's a correlation between Neanderthal DNA and autism, though I doubt that anyone has.
So no inner monologue? That is interesting, and it complicates my little theory a bit. Now I'm really mystified about that, why some people have it and some don't and what the difference means. You seem to be very self aware, in a Tim Ferriss sort of way where you hack your own psychology to get better results in life. I had thought maybe the inner monologue was a tool for facilitating self awareness, but I guess it's not -- or at least it's not necessary for it.
There's a ton of the research and lots of it deleted even off the Wayback archive by request. Back in the late 90's you could find tons of information on the Neanderthal connection that has since been deleted for political sensitivity. Can't confuse the narrative with evidence that whites are the most dispossessed and genocided minority of them all.
Okay, that makes sense. I did the whole Vapassana meditation for a while that quieted my own inner monologue/monkey mind quite a bit, but it never went completely away. Nowadays, at least when I'm more "mindful," I let the inner voice say what it wants and just observe it without identifying as it. It seems to serve a purpose, though I'm not always sure what it is.
This was brilliant and hilarious.
At the risk of letting sheer autism spoil the humor, the genetic evidence seems to suggest that cross-breeding between Sapiens and Neanderthalensis was exclusively through the male lineage of the latter, either because Neanda women couldn't bring half-breeds to term, or because hybrids with Sapiens Y chromosomes were sterile, or because the crosses were all produced by male neanderthals getting rapey. OR, and I just thought of it: perhaps all such hybrids were killed at birth by human supremacists, whereas the kind, wise, and gentle neanderthals raised their hybrid offspring like their own, which nurturing aspect to their harmonious culture led to many Sapiens women defecting from their evil subspecies.
As another aside, what about the Denisovans? African genocide against our peoples wasn't limited to Neandas, my Neanda! We are all POGs (People of Genocide), and that's a big coalition!
Let's do science like the woke and just ignore all the possible explanations that might tend to reflect poorly on the Neanderthals. I like the last possibility you raise, so let's just focus on gathering evidence to support it (and invent such evidence as needed) and ignore any and all contrary evidence. The narrative about our victimhood and the saintliness of every one of our ancestors must be maintained!
And I love the term "POG!" I will add that to my self-description on future diversity statements.
That's exactly how The Science™ is done!
"The Neanderthals must have been gorilla chads attacking females of other species," they conclude. Before the evidence arrives. It's all a lie. The Neanderthals were incredibly xenophobic and always chose to withdraw rather than fight over territory. That's why when Cro-Mags arrived, all the Neanderthals developed chests like barrel organs and moved to high altitudes. The whole reason their genes were superior is they were very picky in their mating strategies. Cro-Magnon was quantity, the Thals were quality. That's why all genes for abstract reasoning are from Neanderthals. I doubt if you could talk a Neanderthal (male or female) into mating with what seemed like animals to them. Very picky about mate selection. Cro-Magnons apparently would hump anything that looked vaguely like people in contrast.
You left out homo floresiensis and homo giganticus.
The neanderthals didn't survive on Earth in large numbers from about 35,000 years ago but we don't have comprehensive information.
A great many lives were lost in the flood described in the epic of Gilgamesh, the story of Noah, the Edfu building texts, and “meltwater pulse B” in the geological record.
It's not clear to me that our species is entirely genocidal. And it's mistaken to punish the children and grandchildren for the sins of the parents.
Problem John is that you believed the public explanations they gave you, thinking the alternative is so inhuman it is not comprehensible ... Neanderthal women were gang raped by so many men during their lifetimes that female RNA scarcely even exists - they bore multiple children by multiple men ... but at least 50% of them DIED of the RH- blood clotting problem in pregnancy. So Cro-Magnon men were gangbanging them all day long and when they died during childbirth they'd just drag them out for the buzzards. The males who survived were kept alive to work on weapons of vastly superior manufacture ... which gave these Cro-Magnon tribes incredible advantage over other tribes with no Neanderthal slaves.
I was eavesdropping on an anthropology thread out of Texas where the academics were laughing that the general public would never know the real reason for sparse female RNA of Thals in our gene pool.
Like you I heard all these conventional explanations. Problem is they are all lies, with political motivations for the very reasons we are talking about. White Europeans have never been victims anywhere, it is forbidden to suggest.
Now I get it. I’m actually not a Neanderthal, but a Homo erectus, and the feminists are always accusing me of toxic masculinity.
Feminists are homo sapien supremacist Karens. Fight the power!
In college anthropolgy class a long time ago, the professor mentioned certain traits only descendents of Neanderthals have and I had some. Team Neanderthal for the win.
I got some too. My innate ability to draw stick-figure animals surely comes from them.
I'm 1/4 neanderthal on my father's side.
What up, my Neanda! Think about how big our reparations payments will be! Take the value of our ancestral homelands and all that cave art (priceless), and tack on 40,000 years of compound interest! I'll be like Donell Rawling's character on Chappelle's Show: "I'm rich, bitch!"
With extermination of Denisovians by Africans in the South alone more than justifies all of them turning in their EBT cards. Repamarations for the Thals, the real victims of genocide.
I wonder what the correlation is between refusing to buy into the Official Narrative and Neanderthal heritage.
It's probably high, although our Neanda women tend to be AWFL race traitors who weaponize entire HR departments against us.
High, but Denisovan admixture negates this resistance.
Hey! I found your stack via Rollins’ Review. Good stuff, my friend. I write material in this vein as well on my stack, Sincere American Writing. I dig the satirical take on white woke identity politics. It absolutely deserves to me mocked, loathed, ridiculed. For me, as a P.C.--Proud Cracker--I feel the need to constantly validate my right to exist. Now I can claim Neanderthal-hood!!!
Michael Mohr
‘Sincere American Writing’
Welcome aboard, my Neanda!
Yer best yet...
Except, there's a flaw in your theory. Most African Americans are part white, so part neanda, so....
True, but...I'm taking a cue from the racialist grifters like Kendi and DeAngelo and steadfastly refusing to deal with or even acknowledge nuance or ambiguity. Thus, my all-or-nothing, black-and-white thinking remains unaffected by this inconvenient fact about the world!
Spoken like a true zealot! Down with reality! Neanda Forever!
Shoot, I'm gonna start a fund-raiser to become a multimillionaire real-estate tycoon, and I'm gonna call it "Neanda Lives Matter," and if you criticize me for grifting, I will have my followers attack you and get you canceled for RACISM!
"Oh, so you want to criticize NLM? So you believe Neanda lives DON'T matter? Twitter NPCs, attack!!!"
Somebody alert the ACLU! There's a new grievance in town...
Which also means you don’t have to explain yourself!
Actually: Explaining things is ‘White.’
Heard the Knack was doing a remake. My Neanda
where is my bumper sticker. Neanda Proud
I'm working on some that say "Neanda Lives Matter." We'll partner with Antifa to march through urban areas and set fire to any buildings and automobiles that don't have the sign. It'll be a great way to fight fascism and raise money for the cause.
I’ll be glad to lead the “all statues must be razed and replaced by stick man formations” effort!
I loved this article; I’m sharing it, of course!
Laughed out loud quite a few times as I read it.😹😹
(…ironically, people here are actually arguing that you have the history of Neanderthals wrong.🙄)
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
As a proud Neanda, I support this Stack as “stack of the year”. I think a Time “Neanda of the Year” cover should feature you and be released as you perform stick drawings at the Super Bowl half time.
Hell yeah! And speaking of, why are we not represented in the NFL according to our percentage of the overall population? And not only us, but how about Asians?! When are we going to see Asian and Native American head coaches? The NFL is oppressive and toxic.
My page on Neanderthals, Aspergers Autism and the Man trying to hide the war of extermination, gang rape and enslavement he conducted. Check your privilege, Cro-Mags!
I can't say too much, Daniel. I don't think I need to.
Whites need to learn they have a genetic trump card that beats all the victim entitlement schemes that these savages could ever come up with.
You were once enslaved? WE WERE CANNIBALIZED, GANG RAPED AND THEN ENSLAVED. All non-whites are amateur hour compared to the sob story we have latent in our gene pool. We've got you ALL beat. WE WERE ALWAYS ABOLITIONISTS. The non-whites have been dealing in slaves for thousands of years but claim there is something special about their enslavement.
FACE IT, YOU WANT TO THROW DOWN ON THIS SUBJECT, NOBODY ANYWHERE HAS EVER BEEN A BIGGER N*GGER THAN THE NEANDERTHALS. The entire planet continues to sh*t all over us to this day and we never got any compassion from anybody. We tried to break off and form our own nation to see to it we could treat each other fairly amongst our own kind, all of these victims FOLLOWED US HERE and keep screeching we are the bad guys.
Never forget, 8 out of 10 slaves in the Deep South were owned by beanie babies. It's right there in the manifests and bills of sale and auction results in plan english. One in 10 slaves was owned by a BLACK FREEMAN who had no problem with slavery. That leaves just one slave to be owned by a poor white sharecropper and even that is speculative because very few bills of sale can even be found to validate that sharecroppers owned slaves.
NO BIGGER N*GGERS ON EARTH. If we were crybabies like they are we could really grind them into dust with this angle.
Think about it. It sounds hilarious until you realize it is true. GENETIC SEQUENCING shows that Americans have the highest ratio of Neanderthal genetic expression of any people in the world.
The entire conversation around slavery needs to be reframed to bring it in line with the truth: if we're going to do collective virtue or guilt on a racial level, then blacks owe whites reparations and gratitude for ending slavery as an institution in our nations. Their fellow Africans sold them into slavery in the first place, and African cultures were not about to end slavery or the slave trade on their own (and indeed, slavery is still practiced in Africa today). Meanwhile, the word "slave" has its origin in the word "Slav," which is white people.
Hmm, why did I just think of Fried Green Tomatoes?
I really think that's a bigger distinction than most of these "identity" markers that get politicized. Autism, whatever the constellation of traits are that that term refers to, vs "normal" brained people, really do seem almost like two different species. I suspect there are a lot more of us than most people think, because so many of us (such as yourself) have learned to mask it when needed and move back and forth between the interacting with normies on their level and interacting with others on the spectrum. I still cannot believe that some large percentage of people (possibly half or even more) have no inner monologue of any sort. That seems to be a hugely important distinction, though I'm not sure what it means or what other aspects of personality are affected by it. I suspect few autists are among the demographic with no inner monologue.
I've wondered that about Neanderthals also. I don't know if anybody's done any research on whether there's a correlation between Neanderthal DNA and autism, though I doubt that anyone has.
So no inner monologue? That is interesting, and it complicates my little theory a bit. Now I'm really mystified about that, why some people have it and some don't and what the difference means. You seem to be very self aware, in a Tim Ferriss sort of way where you hack your own psychology to get better results in life. I had thought maybe the inner monologue was a tool for facilitating self awareness, but I guess it's not -- or at least it's not necessary for it.
There's a ton of the research and lots of it deleted even off the Wayback archive by request. Back in the late 90's you could find tons of information on the Neanderthal connection that has since been deleted for political sensitivity. Can't confuse the narrative with evidence that whites are the most dispossessed and genocided minority of them all.
Okay, that makes sense. I did the whole Vapassana meditation for a while that quieted my own inner monologue/monkey mind quite a bit, but it never went completely away. Nowadays, at least when I'm more "mindful," I let the inner voice say what it wants and just observe it without identifying as it. It seems to serve a purpose, though I'm not always sure what it is.
That's good stuff, Jay, an intuitively compelling take. Thanks! I'm going to have to, er, ruminate a fair bit on it.