It is absolutely just and moral to fire everyone who publicly laments that the shooter missed.

They are advocating murder as a way to defeat democracy.

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If your enemies do not fear you, your allies have no reason to respect you.

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Jul 20Liked by Daniel D

I think I don’t give one fuck of sympathy for these people, just like they didn’t for us. I don’t waste my time doxing anyone, but I couldn’t possible care less if someone else did. How about we all take some personal responsibility and don’t post heinous shit about tragic things? All of a sudden this is a big deal?

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Jul 20Liked by Daniel D

I completely support John Carter's take on the situation.

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Yeah, of the three, that's my personal favorite. I am sympathetic to the other two, because there's nothing in my heart that rejoices when someone's life is ruined, but they made it abundantly clear that they have no desire to peacefully coexist or live and let live. They are not interested in Truth or being reasonable or seeking a win-win scenario for everyone or respecting everyone's rights; they care only about getting power and using that power to crush their enemies (i.e., us). It is what it is.

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Jul 21Liked by Daniel D

Dan you articulated that perfectly bro.

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Anyone in a position of power or authority over other's lives and decision making should be cancelled or worse. The Home Depot lady is a victim of their propaganda.

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Jul 21Liked by Daniel D

I won’t call for the death of anyone or proclaim/incite physical violence against them the way that the left did to Trump and all of us. It’s horrifying all the things even the celebrities said and did. They committed unthinkable acts both verbally and physically, never believing any consequences could or would come to them. As if they are too famous or too rich. Sometimes it seemed like there were many that were/are demon possessed by the wild hate behind their eyes or the cold, unfeeling dead stares while they say or do something unthinkable. They can’t see what they have become. I can. I won’t let that kind of spirit enter my own body and mind. That doesn’t mean I’m saying I’m “better than them”, it means I am protecting my own eternal spirit. If I didn’t they can just point back at me that I’m the same as them. I won’t give them that satisfaction. They WANT me to behave as badly as them so they can feel better about themselves. No friggin way, they can stay in that pile of manure all by themselves.

Just recently Whoopie Goldberg couldn’t contain her hate on the air over Trump having grandkids on his lap at the RNC as if he doesn’t deserve them and he was “using them.” She could only see it in her hateful way that matched her hateful heart and narrative. She looked possessed of evil when she said all that. I would hope someone like that would be fired on the spot to give them pause to consider their choices. And I will boycott any program/movie/media that condones her or others like her. Same with that horrific comedian woman who hung a bloody head of trump online. That’s just evil, pure and simple and never ok. I will boycott every celebrity, politician, or journalist that said they wanted to punch Trump in the face or do other violence against him. That would be my choice and that’s how I would handle it rather than hanging THEIR bloody head or calling for reciprocal violence against them, or speaking hatefully and viciously about them to others. No, I won’t tarnish my own character and spirit with their level of hate. But you can be damned sure I would fire them in an instant if they behaved that way in my business, or not hire them, or not do anything that supports them financially, or boycott any company that employs people like this. That’s not hateful, that’s natural consequences.

I don’t think we should do anything that confuses the playing field over who was/is really the bad guys and who was/is worse, because it wasn’t and isn’t us. That is NOT turning the other cheek either or lying down. That’s choosing a different response than they chose. I will rally, I will protest, I will campaign and vote. I will never stay silent and always speak out no matter where I go and no matter the cost to me. I will always choose the sword of truth.

That also means I won’t stand in the way when someone gets fired for condoning assassinations.

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Jul 20Liked by Daniel D

Helen Pluckrose wrote a long, somewhat pearl clutching substack piece on this issue. She makes some good points, but her perspective as an anti-woke liberal is that right wing cancel culture undermines the reforms she thinks are needed.

Without data, it is hard to know how many of such reforms (or people newly arrived at the belief in such reforms) there are, or how fragile to controversy they are.

On the other hand, as John Carter asks, what do the Home Depot lady’s former coworkers have to say? Was she a nasty creepy sociopath to work with, as is frequently the case for “woke” cargo cult zombies, or not?

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That would be nice to know

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There are a bunch of little Robespierres out there are demanding that we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. We are winning. Start acting like it.

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My take is basically a mix of Librarian of Celaeno & Holly. But I started out saying how (basically) they were reaping what they sowed. I wrote about it from the Drama Triangle angle (with some law of attraction throw in). But I still don't think people should respond by trying to cancel Home Depot workers because of their views if doesn't affect their work. Mostly because that's not going to make things better. It will just make their lives worse because the more you focus on what you hate the worse you feel.

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Thanks for commenting. I am sympathetic to that view and would like to be like Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along?" But I know that the Left would happily destroy our lives over our views and rip away every last freedom we have to think for ourselves and choose our own lifestyles. As much as I wish these culture wars weren't necessary, I'm glad there are people willing to get in the mud with the Left and beat them at their own game. They don't respect Reason or any of the Enlightenment values; they hate Christianity and are without the faintest trace of grace or mercy towards their enemies (most of whom just wanted to be left alone); so there's really no room for discourse because there are no shared values to appeal to. They are playing to win, and when they win they intend to hurt us as badly as they can. It is what it is.

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I get the feeling your response is reacting to me saying we shouldn't stop them, but that's not my intent and I never said that. We need to enforce our boundaries (I have an article on enforcing our boundaries and the benefits of that). They need to be told "no," however I believe there are better, more productive ways to do that.

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> Mostly because that's not going to make things better.

Yes, it will. It will mean Home Depot ladies are no longer spouting their nonsense, and soon spouting that kind of nonsense will fall outside the Overton window.

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You are right about the Overton Window. It's been pushed so far to the Left because the Right disowns its extremes, but the Left never does. So even though I consider it extreme to doxx hourly retail employees over their online views, I am also not going to disown people on the Right for doing it to Leftists.

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Jul 21Liked by Daniel D

Some people seem to think that posting things online protects them from consequences. Well, in some cases they are wrong. If I said some dumb shit like Home Depot granny at work I’d get fired. Yeah, maybe she wasn’t at work, but putting something out that the entire world can see is done at one’s own risk. I don’t waste time doxing people. But we recently we looking to hire another pilot at work. Very good paying job. We found a perfect candidate until we did some google searching. He had some pod cast appearances that were not conducive to how we operate. We didn’t hire him.

I also owned business, we did 99% of our marketing on Facebook. Military themed, called Gruntworks. We not surprisingly were more conservative on our views. When the 2016 presidential elections were taking place we got shut down weekly, basically for posting memes that weren’t pro Hillary. Business fell by 90%. So no, I couldn’t give a fuck for liberals now being inconvenienced by their own actions.

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Turning the other cheek has gotten us where we are today. The Left has been kicking conservatives in the gonads - figuratively and literally - for years but we've always been told not to fight back because "we're better than that." Sorry, but Liberals are engaging in a culture war that they intend to win "by any means necessary" and they ARE winning because they're the only ones taking the field. It's long past time that conservatives joined the fight even if it means using the Left's distasteful tactics against them.

Since you posted the link to Holly Mathnerd, I'm one of the subscribers who left; but not because she's anti-woke. Another of her subscribers posted a comment using the Stephen King novel, The Dead Zone, in a way, considering the context of the discussion, that seemed to rationalize/analogize the attempted Trump assassination, and I took exception to it. She banned me for my comment, so I unsubscribed. I joined her sub stack for the math but left because of her highly idiosyncratic nature. It's her sub stack so it's hers to run as she pleases and leaving it isn't about "cancel culture" so much as it is not spending my money where it's not wanted.

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I’ve really enjoyed Holly but I unsubscribed from her substack over the way she wrote about her disagreement. It seemed to me extremely impulsive, highly overdone, lumping all conservatives into one viewpoint, and playing the victim. I’m disappointed about it all. It would seem we could have had one week of feeling encouraged about the convention and unity without this hullabaloo.

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Yes, Holly is rather prone to hysterical episodes.

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deletedJul 21
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> She banned me for asking how many dead Palestinians would be enough.

Well, you did ask an idiotic question.

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As she admits, she isn't always emotionally stable/healthy.

I don't find arguments about tolerance (appeasement) to be very convincing when "woke" radicals/extremists have spent decades inserting themselves into, and corrupting, the institutions that are supposed to provide checks and balances, openness, transparency, and so forth.

Are the appeasers actually suggesting that using "mob" tactics against Hitler, Stalin or Mao (etc.) was a bad thing???

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Why does it seem like most of the objections are from the same "moderate left" who have been enabling the woke every step of the way?

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Jul 20Liked by Daniel D

You probably meant that as a rhetorical question, but there is at least one actual answer.

See systems theorist Nassim Taleb on the "Dictatorship of the Intolerant Minority".


nassimtaleb. org /2016/08/intolerant-wins-dictatorship-small-minority/

Short version: they are more afraid of being socially stigmatized and "cancelled" by a small, obnoxious, aggressive fringe on the far left than the middle or the right.

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I am extremely uncomfortable with the utilitarian justification that this is necessary to “win a culture war” because it seems dangerously close to using other human beings as tools, not treating them as sovereign beings. The ick factor is particularly high when the target is a powerless low status cog like Home Depot Meemaw. I don’t have solid instincts on how effective it would be as a fightback strategy and I don’t think I would be persuaded even if convinced on that point. I’m more concerned about the damage it would do to *us* to act this way than the lack of damage it might inflict on the other side.

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I just finished my article on this topic this afternoon and I've been thinking about it heavily the last few days. Ultimately those who choose to attack the "leftists" via cancel culture will become more of what they hate. It's because of their hate that they're even drawn to this response in the first place. It seems there is a sifting or dividing of people going on right now. But focusing on causing pain won't heal anyone.

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Explain your better plan/strategy/whatever for winning the culture war, and why this tiny blip on the radar screen is a problem in the context of the vast damage the communo-fascist[*], totalitarian "woke" "left" has already accomplished.

If you could go back in time and drop an atomic bomb on Hitler in 1939, would you refuse to do so because it might put a small dent in the perceived legitimacy of anti-Nazism?




"woke" is part of a larger propaganda (narrative control) and censorship-industrial-complex of a faction (digital capitalism) of the ruling/power elites.

see the #twitterfiles for details

"wokeism" represents the co-opting of "social justice" movements by corrupt elements of the corporate-state, including the military, federal law enforcement, and national security agencies and their proxies, and the educational establishment.

this is one of the best summaries of the situation I've seen:


gordonhahn. com /2021/04/29/the-new-american-communo-fascism-and-its-postmodernist-roots/


The New American Communo-Fascism and Its Postmodernist Roots

April 29, 2021

by Gordon Hahn

A few thoughts on the connection between post-modernism and the new American commune-fascism are in order. The evolution from post-modernism to neo-communism, commune-fascism, or liberal fascism — whatever label one prefers — was predetermined by the similarity of the two in terms of their methodologies and imperatives for controlling indeed monopolizing discourse and thus consciousness. This explains why postmodernism in the West and thus the U.S. is a wholly liberal-leftist affair.

The elements that postmodernism and communism have in common is instructive particularly for understanding the instrumental contradictions used by the DP [Democrat Party?] and other American leftists to shut down free speech and create a totalitarian information space and national discourse ...

... Perhaps the fundamental element of post-modernism is the replacement of reality by a manufactured reality by way of ‘simulacrum’—a conjured ‘fake’ event for media reproduction that should establish a new reality separate from and indeed wholly replace actual reality, which postmodernism stipulates, however self-contradictorily, does not exist because all ‘reality’ is but a construct.


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"because it seems dangerously close to using other human beings as tools, not treating them as sovereign beings"

We're already there. When a mass, an army even, of non-sovergein tools is coming after everyone you can't reason your way out of it.

"I’m more concerned about the damage it would do to *us* to act this way than the lack of damage it might inflict on the other side."

This is of particular concern. So you would rather "*us*" continue to get debanked, beaten, killed and so on rather than fight back even in the feeblest sense. The status quo is a continuous defeat and that is what you advocate, even if you do it unintentionally. A slow starvation extermination because you don't want to hurt the prison camp laundry employee while breaking out of the camp.

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I think the main reason I hate leftists is cancel culture, and right wing cancel culture like that by Jew tools equally chaffes my hide. If this is the direction you are going to go, then as the radical right writer Celine said, "I piss on you from a great height."

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do you understand what Libs of TikTok actually does? She just reposts the mental sewage that leftard w0keb0tz themselves post on social media, exposing the stupidity and toxicity of “woke” cargo cult zombies.

Advocating for the use of political violence, including assassination, is going to get you fired from almost any job.

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Only by pointing out unacceptable behavior in all instances can we hope to return to anything like a civil society. Allowing regular guys/girls or blue-collar workers carte blanche online or in-person helps achieve the leftist priest class goal: silencing their opposition. Someone who will say something abhorrent online becomes someone who says the same thing in-person creating a hostile workplace driving out those who hold dissenting views. I see it as the same problem we’ve allowed to metastasize in the US public education system. How many conservative-leaning people self-select out of teaching? As a retired veteran, I considered it. Teaching would give back to the community and increase my income. Would I be able to acquiesce to all the now state-mandated groupthink? No. I don’t think so. Workplaces like Home Depot will drift more and more in that direction if we allow it. We cannot cancel someone like Alex Soros; however, we can disrupt his messaging. We need to ensure everyone at all levels of society know which extreme-left behaviors will not be tolerated. Civilians on the battlefield is an apt metaphor. Just remember in today’s war those civilians are wearing masks and Antifa uniforms when callwd to action and Home Depot smocks (or other attire) between skirmishes. We would do well to read and apply lessons of counter insurgency including Trinquier's "Modern Warfare: A French View of Counterinsurgency". If we go easy on the foot soldiers or those providing them succor, we will find ourselves wishing we hadn’t. Or, this isn’t the existential crisis I believe it is. In that case, feel free to employ the most restrictive rules of engagement as one does in wars of choice. We’ve seen how well such ROE has paid off for NATO-members and the global west in general.

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I think this is a bit of a tempest in a teapot. Libs of TT didn’t try to get her fired. She re-posted something. And there isn’t a RW movement to get people fired. She happened to get fired but likely this had more to do with her employer’s customer base. There is a LW movement to not only fire people, but destroy them. And this is organized and everywhere. I am being asked whether I agree with her having been fired - and I am fine with it. And that then becomes extrapolated to mean we as right wingers have a mob movement to harass people. We don’t.

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