Blue masking tape over the mouth? Please, that girl is just playing. That shit hardly sticks to trim, much less lips. You need a high quality duct tape to really adhere to a mouth, especially under duress when perspiration is a factor.

... wait, what were we talking about?

Oh right! Excellent essay. It is amazing to me how just straight up piss poor argumentation has become standard, and even applauded, in our society. I am always happy to see people pushing back against it, if only to improve the average level of discourse!

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In response to the first part of your comment: 🤣🤣🤣!

In response to the second part of your comment: 💯💯💯!

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I like the advice in the subhead. For lots of reasons that I could give, arguing against the Leftists is a waste of time, or worse. Feeding them attention, as if their statements deserved it, probably just encourages them.

We need to "refuse to play along with their childishly malevolent mind-games", as the post puts it, and find ways to defeat them. And then defeat them!

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Good advice! I can hardly wait to use the Solzhenitsyn quote!

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Thank you. This post is perfection in that it’s also a straightforward roadmap to re-evaluate the people we need (and don’t need) in our lives. The huddled masses are still coming out of the haze of the social and psychological damage of Covid theater and thinking they need to engage with these psychos in an “agree to disagree” format, which is nothing more than an endless loop of abusive verbal volleyball designed to tear at your soul and demoralize you. I was called a racist by a liberal friend of 35 years when I opined 2 years ago that K Harris was not qualified to be VP. Never mind I was raised a Kennedy Democrat, and my father (who worked as a young attorney FOR RFK) was so affected by the civil rights movement and the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK that he put this white Irish girl into the most racially and ethnically diverse public schools and we were one of only 3 white families in a Black Catholic Church in inner city Cleveland. So don’t even try to “cancel” me. Sometimes you just have to walk away. It’s not a loss, it’s strategic preservation to make room for the people who are really supposed to walk life’s journey with you. God bless you abundantly.

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Thanks! I had a similar experience during the BLM/Antifa riots during 2020 when I dared to publicly question the methods and intentions of BLM, Inc. Never mind that my own children are biracial black (I was married to their mother for 12 years). Folks who knew that and other details like that about me nevertheless told me how disappointed they were to learn that I was actually racist. Why? Well, as one acquaintance informed me, there is "no way you can think black lives matter if you oppose Black Lives Matter at a time like this." It's that kind of lazy, reductionist thinking and dishonest equivocation that opened my eyes to the foolishness of thinking these folks on the Left are at all interested in having an honest discussion about anything. You have some well-meaning people who may be guilt-tripped into vocalizing some kind of half-hearted agreement with them, though that is becoming increasingly rare as people recognize the mind-games being played. But for the true believers and psychopaths on the Left, there is no possibility of civil discourse, because they have never wanted that. They feigned a concern for "free speech" only for as long as it took them to acquire the power to censor the views they don't like, at which point they promptly dropped "free speech" as a value. There is absolutely zero compromise possible with communists (and that's exactly what today's Leftists are); trying to compromise with them is like trying to compromise with e coli bacteria that promise only to infect your intestines a little bit, they swear.

One guy who gets this is Jesse Kelly, whose radio show (I listen to via podcast) is absolutely excellent. You may already listen to him, but if not, I cannot recommend his show highly enough. Here's the first segment of an excellent recent episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2aeJojTnByxL9LuA4dXyC6?si=3402cff500eb44c9

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“It's that kind of lazy, reductionist thinking and dishonest equivocation that opened my eyes to the foolishness of thinking these folks on the Left are at all interested in having an honest discussion about anything.” 💯💯💯💯💯

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Who knew the Nazis loved free speech...🤣

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Today's Leftists say things, without batting an eye, that really are on the order of "Freedom is slavery!" and all those other crazy Party slogans from 1984. If they can honestly believe that free-speech absolutism makes one a fascist (and there are some true believers among them that really do believe that), then what claim would be too unbelievabe for them to accept, if their screens tell them to believe it?

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Were Solzhenitsyn alive today, I am confident this would be his take.


We know that they are inadequates, they know that they are inadequates, they even know that we know they are inadequates, we also know that they know we know they are inadequates too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are inadequates too as well, but they are still inadequates.

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I think you're right! The spirit of Harrison Bergeron is alive and well in the cultural Marxist movement.

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It is a clown world. But their time is drawing to a close.

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Great advice, although not one that I usually follow. I usually, whenever possible, use their own arguments to call them racists.

That said, although this might be good advice for dealing personally, I think arguing with them does serve a purpose, as long as you realize they are simply gunning for power. I am of the strong opinion that you cannot simply let them have the pulpit all for themselves and expect them not to dominate, and I am also of the opinion that simply straight out calling them stupid, although true and satisfying, helps at all.

I have had lots of arguments with marxists and post-positivists in the past 23 years, and in general my impression is that computer language models are not that different from your average human bot. Mostly they are just regurgitating what they’ve been programmed to say, and if you veer off script, they find themselves lost. So, I find pushing for a proper definition, taking their arguments ultima ratio and turning them on themselves and not accepting their terminology (for instance, cis-anything).

But what purpose does it serve, you might ask. Well, in my opinion, there are two main purposes in this exercise in futility. The first one is fun, and I’ll grant I argue for a sport. Just like breaking up a chatbot for the sake of it is fun, breaking a human bot is fun in itself, at least for me. Second, when you’re forced, or force yourself, into an argument with one such idiot, you’re not trying to convince him or to show how superior you are, you are showing whomever is at ears length the imbecility of such a position.

You see, there are two reasons these people employ such ridiculous illogical terms and reasoning: the first is to cower and identify non-compliance. Forcing you to say out loud, or be silent while it is said, that two plus two equals five is a good way to figure out who complies and who doesn’t. The second is to make it a show for an audience, to make others comply. To make people less prone to argue against such absurd diktats and simply give up.

So, arguing with them does help break down this dynamic they set up. It sure helped me sway a couple of co-workers (they weren’t the ones I was arguing with). Just make sure to know sometimes it might lead to them becoming violent or hysterical.

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I agree that there is value in responding to them, not because they are likely to change their mind (they usually lost their minds a long time ago), but to break the spell for others. So many people have spent years being psyopped into distrusting their own intuition and reasoning or feeling like they are the only ones. But sometimes all it takes is one (or better yet, a handful) of people to point out the emperor's nakedness, for the crowd to feel the courage to trust their own convictions. I think we are seeing that start to happen, and it's driving the regime crazy with fear. If they weren't so afraid of common sense truths, they wouldn't fight so hard to keep them from being expressed.

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Many people have. I think his essay and mine make complimentary, but distinct, points. The Lyons piece is excellent.

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