Jul 1Liked by Daniel D

The military industrial complex has a "friends with benefits" relationship with Izzy, so I guess that's something.

I don't spend a lot of time reflecting about Israel or Palestine, but I think there's a pervasive belief amongst American Christians that the story that started with Abraham continues in America. So perhaps a more fitting metaphor is Israel as the misguided older brother rather than friend-zoner? it doesn't change your overall analysis much, but perhaps makes the Christian commitment to Israel more understandable.

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Getting American Christians to identify the modern State of Israel (and its government) with the Israel of the Bible was one of the most devastatingly effective confidence tricks of all time. They don't call us freiers for nothing. As for the Israel in the Bible, Jehoshaphat identified 100% with Israel and formed an alliance with their king Ahab, and it didn't turn out so well for him.

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Islam is essentially the same, except that they want you to join them and exploit everyone who rejects Islam.

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Very true and important to keep in mind.

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This brings us to a third, more compelling and quite disturbing theory-the one that my Afghan friend, the court translator, puts forward. On the basis of his hundreds of interactions with these young men in his professional capacity over the past several years, he believes to have discovered that they are motivated by a deep and abiding contempt for Western civilization. To them, Europeans are the enemy, and their women are legitimate spoils, as are all the other things one can take from them: housing, money, passports. Their laws don't matter, their culture is uninteresting and, ultimately, their civilization is going to fall anyway to the horde of which one is the spearhead. No need to assimilate, or work hard, or try to build a decent life here for yourself-these Europeans are too soft to seriously punish you for a transgression, and their days are numbered.

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Maybe not, but it is in our interests to help them. By “our”, I mean, “all of humanity who aren’t Muslims”.

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Six of one, half a dozen of another.

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Kill enough Muslims, the number of terrorist attacks will go way down.

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