That was the most impressive run on sentence I have ever seen. Credit from a master craftsman of run on myself.

On a different subject, I wonder why young men aren't dating anymore?

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Precisely! lol

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Ah yes… ‘feminist entitlement.’ They will pretend to hate male attention while also seeking and benefiting from male attention… while also bristling at the idea that they’ve benefited from male attention. This little psychodrama will mostly be played out WITH males, who will generally be happy to fuel any delusions the woman has out of politeness or simpery or self interest. It’s like when an obnoxious little girl runs onto a field and proclaims herself the fastest, faster than all the boys. Everyone is too polite or too embarrassed to call out the ridiculousness of the situation. It’s like that-except these are mostly professional adults and there are millions of them. 😂


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Exactly! They say they hate men’s attention, but they’re not hanging feeders like those out there because they don’t want to get men’s attention!

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The line between reality and satire has become almost indistinguishable

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Thanks for the mammaries.

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Nahhh.... 😤

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That was a FINE post. I won't comment on Myrna's photo because I know she wouldn't want me to.

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I see you're doing the work.

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How about a WOMAN’S GAZE?!

Wow the girl is hot! But, I may have been HOTTER -at her age. But her whole attitude is a turn off.

I don’t understand why she just can’t revel in her beauty and youth…enjoy it, flaunt it. More youth wasted on the young. Sigh.

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Thank you for sharing , could you include more pictures next time you send out a rant.

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looked like promising clickbait on idiocracy. I could have used some insightful ironic musings, or- something. Anything. I want my five minutes back. What a horribly pathetic and sad excuse for a human being. Nice tits, though.

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Yes..maybe she should move to Palestine She is filled with demons and has no future

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Hilarious cognitive dissonance. Feminist narcissism is an amazingly self destructing phenomenon.

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OK...Am compelled to comment and not even past the first paragraph yet. Myna Minkoff is the girlfriend of Ignatious J. Reilly. I've known them both since 1980. Lucky you to be her familiar. ☺

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Honestly, half of what “Myrna” said is true.

It is pathetic that men simp so hard for random women on the internet. Men should spend less time policing women’s behavior and more time policing the self-abasing behavior of their fellow men.

Mating is a market. So long as there are men who will lust after women like ‘Myrna’, there will be women like Myrna.

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Idk I just saw boobies and couldn't focus on what she wrote. I really tried though.

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God programmed you that way, and so did nature. Don’t apologize

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Of all the things I'm not doing, I'm not apologizing the most lol

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Ghost: "Thank you for reading Libs of TikTard."

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Myrna Minkoff? Isn’t that the almost girlfriend of the protagonist of “A Confederacy of Dunces?”

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I have two big objections to this argument

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Women have boobs. A fact for which men are eternally grateful.

However, I suspect Myrna doth protest a bit too much.

A revealing bikini does many things, but the one thing it does quite well is call attention to a woman's breasts. Skimpy bikinis are specifically and explicitly designed to call attention to the female form.

Myrna then posts photos of her in said bikini where anyone can both see and safely comment -- a quality of cyberspace which is not shared by the real world.

As she is an intelligent, articulate woman, it beggars belief that she is unaware of why bikinis are the way they are. Yet she is putting herself out there in multiple fora where comments are inevitable.

And she complains because guys comment?

That is not a serious complaint, and should not be taken seriously.

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She could wear a plastic garbage bag…and those legs would find a man who loves legs!

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Didn’t ZZ Top write a song about that?

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There are a few ZZ Top songs that could have been about Myrna. https://youtu.be/_9Tg-JsMS-E

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Not for long... 🤔

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Thanks for thirst trap. I'm just here at work trying to do masculine shit and now I can't stop thinking about Mink-off'ing because BOOOBA.

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