First, i agree with your insight. Second, there must be an element of resentment folded in there somewhere. Their world view, whether neo-marxist, communist,humanist, transhumanist.etc.etc is unfulfilled and hinges on our cooperation. The Christian world view is fulfilled, and is redemptive and does not require their participation, their blessing, their creations, none of it . When they say 'this can all be yours' we instinctively say, it's not yours to give.' Those be fighting words.

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You nailed it: resentment is absolutely at the core of their worldview. Christianity inspired men to build beautiful, awe-inspiring cathedrals and adorn them with beautiful, awe-inspiring works of art. They create a world of brutalist architecture decorated with garish graffiti. They know they are pathetic and uncreative. All they can do is steal, kill, and destroy, like their spiritual father.

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One of the reasons, I always read your “stacks” when I see them, is that you are constantly referring to the “the beauty of western art and architecture”. It wasn’t until I heard Doulas Murray referring to Sir Robert Scruton’s talks on the abandonment of Beauty by modern architecture in today’s post modern world. It’s one of those subjects that is right in front of us; yet, until we take the time to really acknowledge it, it is easy to miss.

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I think this really is the most fundamental argument. The battle for civilization is good vs evil, and that imprints as truth vs fiction, beauty vs horror, purpose vs waste etc. I think we have to become more comfortable making this argument, simply and boldly.

I do see it being made more often and in surprising places since Covid as the horror show of woke has ruined everything. It's harder and harder to deny. However, just like John Carpenter's 'They Live' I still can't believe how many seemingly reasonable people, simply cant see the horror right in front of them.

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Their anger against free will (of others, which they would much rather boss around like robots, so they can feel all the more powerful and willful,) is a main component.

But I would argue that the specific ire drawn towards Christianity is our resounding 'The Scapegoat is Innocent.' Their continual disappointment at not reaching utopia demands a fault be found in their neighbors. The other religions do not deny them this possibility, only Christianity does. So they hate it most of all. This is also why they tend to be lenient with Islam, which I've often heard described as Totalitarianism + God.

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Sep 9
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... and only after a certain demographic was booted out of Europe for usury, well-poisoning, baby sacrifice, &c.

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The reason why they hate Christianity is because it demands of you that you be good, that you understand that you will be judged by the highest authority, that you live in accordance with the rules set out by a transcendent entity, the creator of the heavens, the shaper of the mountains, the Lord God.

The freedom loving postmodernists, the cultural Marxists of modernity, hate this because it reminds them that their rights to be debauched are merely earthly freedoms that detract from 'good,' making them the opposite of good, namely evil practices that starve the soul. The man without God becomes a hungry ghost who pushes his religious instinct into everything but God in the hope that his thirst be quenched. He tries to be God without an ounce of divinity by making up the rules as he goes along, he hates the fact that he may be judged by a higher power and this makes him resentful, resistant of the fact that God is love and forgiving of all transgressions, as long as he's willing to at least try to improve.

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This is excellently put.

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My inclination is to assume that whatever evil hates and fears is probably good, or at least better than abject evil, reserving space always for skeptical inquiry. This has led me to reexamine many things, including Christianity, in light of realizing how utterly debased and evil the Theys (whatever you want to call them) are.

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That's a pretty good rule of thumb. Like you, I've reexamined a lot of things that I otherwise might have dismissed without much thought. It's like the Streisand effect in action.

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Darkness hates the light and will not come into it for fear it's deeds will be exposed. The polarity of thier soul is opposed to concrete, objective truth. Funny how you can say the name "Budda" "Mohammed" or any other religious figure...no problem. Mention the name The Lord Jesus Christ, watch thier stomach churn into a not and the anger arises.

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And the hatred is counterproductive, as hatred always is.

The story Christianity tells resonates because it's true (I believe), but it's not easy to accept. Evil's story is false, but pleasant enough for most people to go along with it until the flashes of rage break through the veneer. (I include myself in "most people", at least until the last few years.) Enough cracks in the story and people start asking questions; enough questions and suddenly Chrisitianity starts making more sense.

And the fact that hating Chrisitianity is self-defeating lends credence to Christian beliefs, because if they weren't true, why would evil care so much? Better to let the deluded Christians preach their falsehoods while the masses are lulled to sleep.

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Maybe it's the most "directionally correct," not necessarily "true."

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Really? Just because they hate free will? Seems a little abstract.

Maybe it's because the demons who ride around on their heads give them a good stab in the eye every time they hear the name of Jesus?

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It could be that simple.

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To be fair, it'd mean they also hate free will, seeing as they've relenquished theirs.

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In many of these conversations about why this or that cultural or political thing, there is something that always feels as if its missing. Even when Christians analyze these things, I believe they miss something.

We are given a glimpse into the heavenly royal court when a prophet told Ahab and Jehoshaphat that the Most High God had put forth the agenda to kill Ahab, and then this heavenly court debated back and forth on how until one enterprising spirit decided to go down a be a lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab's prophets.

Heavenly intrigue is almost never considered in these conversations.

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That is an interesting angle. It's an idea that comes up in interesting ways in the religious stories of other ancient cultures. I believe it refers to something very real that does affect the way things happen "down here," though I don't pretend to know much about how that all works.

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Christ was hated because He was Light and exposed not only the evil deeds but the evil thoughts and motives of those who held themselves up as rulers. He said that His followers are, not should be, the light of the world with exaxtly the same function. He said we would be hated as He was hated and for the same reason. Men hate the light because their deeds are evil. This applies to your unbelieving neighbor next door but it is manifest by multiples by those who would rule over us. While we respect authority, we rule ourselves under the Lordship of Christ. They cannot but hate us.

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It's the biblical manifestation of evil attempting to overcome good i.e the apocolypse. And the end goal is not just to enslave during our time on Earth, but for all eternity in the pits of Hell. Even those with the most rudimentary understanding of Christianity will recognize the duality-light v dark; good v evil; and what awaits those who turn away from Jesus and the light. The full court press now underway to eliminate 'freedom' (given by God and defended fiercely by many) and the corresponding joining of govt's with global tyrants should be obvious by now-especially after the last four years with injected bio-weapons. Everywhere one looks, 'evil' actions can be witnessedand the only defense that will prevail is to trust in the word of God who gave us a choice.

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Sep 10
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This is like saying Paganism is Proto Wicca.

More importantly: Jesus isn't dead. He rose from the grave and ascended to Heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God awaiting the time of His return when He will launch the biggest war the universe will ever know.

Incel? Jesus voluntarily lived a celibate life. Is pussy your god? There are more important things than cumming, bro.

Weak? Jesus was known as a physically strong man, and physically beat up an entire temple full of Jewish merchants.

Failure? He conquered Death itself.

In contrast, the online anti-christs like you are pathetic, coom-brained losers who rage against the most successful Faith of all time. The Church may seem dead now, but like her savior she will rise from the grave when the time is right.

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Sep 12
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What God do you believe in, may I ask?

Besides obsessing about Jews, that is.

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Sep 12
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Why do you care about why I care?

The asking about 'why do you care' is a deflection. It tells me that you don't have anything worth defending: you just want to attack. Probably because your worldview is too weak to stand up to scrutiny. As to why I ask: because it is as pointless to argue with atheists as it is to argue with ChatGPT.

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Its amazing the colossal institutions globo-homo erected just to combat Christianity and its precepts. Our whole system is based upon such a structure as to enslave as many if us as they can. Thats why, despite a few moral shortcomings, China and Russia need to dispense themselves of Clown World's venomous influence, or civilization will not only crumble, but self-destruct in the most cataclysmic and existentially threatening way conceivable.

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I get what you're saying, but be careful about believing the public image China and Russia promote of themselves as being anti Globohomo. The likely truth is that, rather than trying to eliminate this transnational mafia, their leaders are trying to jockey for more control of it. They're not our friends, but they are the enemies of our enemies, so they *could* prove useful.

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Perhaps, they could slow the spread of Clown world or exhaust it financially from attrition.

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They simply don’t like competition. If you’re listening to God for direction you’re not listening to them.

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There is a much simpler answer and of course the Bible spells it out; in many verses, repeatedly. Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." I follow that with Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" These two verses clearly demonstrate the ability and ease with which the heart can be turned towards evil. The world is full of demonic forces and spiritual powers working on our hearts all the time, including and especially Christians.

The spirit of this world, Satan, hates us; so naturally he wants to turn us against God and His Son, whom He sent, Jesus. This is a much easier explanation than any philosophical one. The proof of who rules this world is found in Matthew 4:8-9; "Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” Satan could never offer anything to Jesus that Jesus already owned, thereby proving his spiritual rule of earth. Jesus protects us from the spirit of this world, Satan, and all of the evil forces that are constantly at war against God, His creation, and especially his crown jewel; man.

At the heart of Christian hatred is the spiritual King of this world, Satan. That is why there are so many people and so many varied "reasons" why Christians are hated. We are hated because we have rejected the spirit of the age, we love God and we have accepted Jesus. The hatred is spiritual; caused by the enemies of God in those who embrace the spirit of the age.

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Morality is hard for them. Like children, they want to do what they want. Nobody wants to look in the mirror and ask “ Am I the baddie?” and see that yes , you are. That seems to be more of a rage generator on the individual screamer level. Judgement by the group is harsh medicine, so they want the group to change. The globohomo squad has their own agenda and use them like cattle.

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There are pros and cons to accepting free will.

The main pro is freedom. You get to pick your own path and make your own choices, and it's exhilarating, like ripping through the woods on a bike by yourself.

The main con of free will is taking responsibility. When bad things happen from your poor choices, you have to reflect on what went wrong and correct your behavior going forward.

That's when you crash your bike in the forest, alone, sprain your ankle and have to hobble out to the parking lot with a bent front wheel. That's realizing you should ride with a partner for those very times.

I think it's accepting responsibility that turns most of us off free will.

It's easier to scream at the universe when things go sideways, or blame what happened to you on bad luck, or your parents, etc., than to sift through everything you did done wrong that led to the problem.

Accepting responsibility for your actions is a terrific weight. It isn't pleasant.

But it's a much better way to live than blaming everything and everyone else for your problems. If you believe in free will and life is going badly, at least you can try to do something to make it better.

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So elegant. So simple. Thanks.

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You’re over the target. Sooner or later if humanity is to level-up from the current swamp, it has to come to terms with the Zio Talmud which openly teaches contempt against non-tribe in general and Christianity in particular. There are many other Abrahamic religion deep dives needed such as coming to terms with the Old Testament military God of the same Christians who leads his chosen people to plunder and rape those who aren’t his people. Islam, on the other hand, is a shooting gallery for critical thinking. Wtf is it with 72 virgins in heaven awaiting the jihad martyrs. And so on and so forth.

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