I am Feminism: hear me screech!
With feminists, as with other malignant narcissists, the *real* issue is never what they say it is; rather, it's their addiction to attention and control, which they will lie, cheat, and steal to get.

Malignant narcissists1, like postmodern feminists, crave attention and control over others like junkies crave their next fix, and like junkies, they will lie, cheat, and steal in order to feed their addiction. They will violate boundaries and betray trust, and then act shocked and aggrieved when people stop accepting their promises and excuses.
“How could you do this to me?!” narcissists will scream at the longsuffering friend or family member who has finally had enough and decided to put his foot down. They beg and plead, and when that doesn’t work, they lay on a guilt trip, which is every bit as impassioned as it is illogical, and when that doesn’t work, they lash out with angry threats and insults. And that’s how they treat their own family and friends, so imagine how shamefully they treat their political enemies!
A Culture of Narcissists, All Bowling Alone …
What happens when our way of life becomes increasingly impersonal, impermanent, isolating, and atomized? What happens when malignant narcissists no longer have large, extended families or close-knit communities of former friends available, so they instead have to rely on complete strangers to gratify their endless demands for attention and control?
Like airborne pathogens, these rootless narcissists spread throughout society, looking for vulnerable networks and institutions to infect, and once they find a suitable host, they latch on as tightly as they can and go to work, subverting and perverting and mind-gaming to get their way. At every opportunity, they redirect attention and control towards themselves and their fellow travelers, and away from the genuinely virtuous and competent.
The Role of the Manufactured Crises
Two key elements of the narcissists’ strategy are manufactured crises and performative outrage. Why manufacture a crisis? Well, it’s far easier to get out in front of, and to stay in control of, a crisis that is of your own making, than one that arises independently.
Legitimate crises tend to be unpredictable, and they usually require leaders to exercise honesty, integrity, and self-sacrifice, virtuous traits that are anathema to malignant narcissists. Thus, malignant narcissists are congenitally incapable of being great leaders because they cannot conceive of, let alone sacrifice for, a cause greater than themselves. They have no loyalty to anyone or anything besides their own egoic aggrandizement. Real crises reveal malignant narcissists for who and what they truly are: incompetent and vicious con artists.
Fake crises, on the other hand, present opportunities for malignant narcissists to engage in the kind of hysterical indignation and performative moral posturing that comes naturally to them. “How dare you?!”
The competent and virtuous see all of this for what it is: a stratagem employed by malignant narcissists to focus attention on themselves and manipulate others with guerilla moralizing, while simultaneously distracting everyone from the real problems that malignant narcissists are completely incapable of solving. So the competent and virtuous refuse to participate when the narcissists demand everyone join them in a display of theatrical outrage over their latest imaginary crisis, and the narcissists, skilled manipulators that they are, use this as an opportunity to slander the competent and virtuous as cruel and callously detached from the lived experience of [insert any group identity, other than that of straight white males, here]. Thus, fake crises allow malignant narcissists to accomplish two goals at once: (1) feed the narcissists’ own craving for attention and control by posturing as leaders, and (2) sideline the competent and virtuous, who pose the greatest threat to the narcissists’ schemes.
Malignant narcissists are the useful idiots of a pathocratic ruling class
If left unchecked, malignant narcissism spreads throughout a civilization like a cancer, corrupting formerly useful institutions and using them like a virus uses a host cell: as a factory and incubator for the propagation of more malignant narcissism, which then circulates throughout the body politic and attacks other institutions. A competent and virtuous ruling class would recognize malignant narcissism as the cancer that it is and do whatever is necessary to eradicate it from important institutions. A pathocratic ruling class, however, may see the malignant narcissists as useful idiots whom they can easily manipulate for their own ends. As previously noted, malignant narcissists create fake crises to distract everyone’s attention from the real problems that they are incapable of solving; if one of those real problems happens to be a pathocratic ruling class that is engaging in massive theft from the productive economy via vampiric scams like central banksterism and war profiteering, then you can easily see why such a ruling class may find it in their interest to actively cultivate the formation and spread of malignant narcissism as a political movement (in the form of Marxist Narcissism or, as
, calls it, “Marxcissism”) to provide themselves cover. Malignant narcissists cheerfully do the pathocrats’ heavy lifting for them by keeping the population engaged in fighting fake battles over pointless issues, leaving the real power free to operate its criminal schemes in broad daylight, because everyone’s attention is elsewhere.(Of course, the pathocrats running their grand criminal schemes may not be the ultimate puppetmasters! There may yet be a further layer to this onion: the pathocrats may themselves be merely the useful idiots of a dark spiritual power that feeds on human “loosh” energy, especially from negative emotions like suffering, panic, distress, etc.)
Basically, malignant narcissists serve the role of “misdirection”2 in the magic show being put on by the demonic powers that rule our fallen world. By engaging with them, you can guarantee that your attention is being diverted from more dangerous threats, or more meaningful possibilities (which is itself a kind of threat), and that this is essentially by design (it’s a system working as intended and producing the desired result, for the owners of that system).
What is the best response to narcissists’ manufactured crises and manipulative mind games?
So how should psychologically healthy people respond to the mind games of malignant narcissists, given that those narcissists are serving as useful idiots for high-level pathocrats (who are, in turn, the useful idiots of demons)? How do you deal with narcissists whose role is to drag you into a lose-lose confrontation? (As
observed in his recent podcast discussion with , these malignant narcissists are happy to harm themselves, if by doing so they are able to harm you even more severely.3)The best, most effective strategy is, of course, not to engage. Recognize and point out the artificiality and pointlessness of the crises that the narcissists have manufactured, and refuse to participate in their nonsense. By not playing their games, you deny the malignant narcissists the attention and control that is their real objective.
Unfortunately, non-engagement is not always an option. If you are lower in the social or institutional hierarchy than the malignant narcissists, such that they control access to opportunities or resources that you need in order to earn your living, then you may have to be more discreet and tactful in your opposition. And even if you refuse to play the narcissists’ games yourself, you still have to pay taxes to a government that actively funds the folks who do play those games. In the late-stage bureaucracy 4 that is our sclerotic civilization, it can be nearly impossible to avoid participating in the whole clown-show on some level.
But when enough people publicly refuse to play the narcissists’ mind-games, the impact is undeniable, especially when those people are highly placed in the hierarchy. Sometimes, all it takes is just one or two people in highly visible roles to openly break ranks and refuse to entertain the narcissists’ latest absurd allegations of having been harmed by someone expressing a viewpoint that contradicts theirs. Just one or two prominent people say, “No, we’re not playing along with your stupid guilt trips and your contrived moral panic,” and suddenly and with surprising ease, the narcissists’ evil spell breaks, and their illegitimate power evaporates like the morning mists before the light of day.
The Feminists cried “Hate Speech,” and . . . nobody cared.
That’s exactly what happened recently in response to the contrived outrage by feminist Marxcissists over the commencement speech given by Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker Harrison Butker at Benedictine College, a conservative Catholic school in Atchison, Kansas.
You can agree or disagree with Butker, but what you cannot do is give a good-faith argument for why the entire country has to care, and care deeply, about what was said at a private ceremony for college graduates they don’t know, at a school most of them have probably never heard of, in a town they don’t have any personal connection to and probably couldn’t even find on a map. When it comes to the problems affecting, or even potentially effecting, my life, I can promise you that nothing that happens at a graduation ceremony, could possibly rank among my top thousand problems, let alone the very top problem, as I don’t personally know any of the graduates. And anybody who tries to tell me that I must care about it, that I must make it my problem, is full of shit and completely insane. But of course, we’re talking about feminists here, and two of their defining traits are being full of shit and being completely insane. Another of their defining characteristics is malignant narcissism.
Because we live in a pathocracy, where the hidden powers want you distracted by the fake crises manufactured by malignant narcissists, we’ve had to take these crazy commie Karens far more seriously than they deserve. Never mind that they’ve succeeded only in destroying the very norms and institutions that actually helped women live fulfilled and joyful lives in generations past.56 Never mind that the Marxcissist cultural revolution, in which they’ve been key participants, has created a mental health crisis on an unprecedented scale, and that this mental health crisis has effected young women disproportionately.7 Never mind that they have a track record consisting only of broken promises, failed predictions, and evasion of accountability for all the harms they’ve caused.8 The powers that be have deemed them useful to their agenda, so our civilization’s legal system and mass media have been subverted in order to make us care. These narcissists are so used to getting special privileges and having their critics censored, that they don’t know how to deal with people disagreeing with them openly or refusing to play along with their manipulative guilt trips.
After Harrison Butker’s speech, the latest software outrage patch got downloaded overnight by some 200,000 bots and NPC femtards, and they immediately made public statements expressing their outrage and signed a petition to have Butker fired. I don’t care to rehash the specifics of his speech or the alleged thoughtcrimes it contained. Peachy Keenan9 and Janice Fiamengo10 already covered that story and said everything that needed to be said about why the feminists were full of shit.

What I would like to point out is that the spell is breaking. People are much less cowed than they used to be just a few short years ago, when a cancelation campaign like this would probably have been successful. Many good people — male and female — had their careers ruined over far less. But that wave of moral panic that gripped the nation like a mass psychogenic illness finally crested and broke, and now people are increasingly willing to tell the malignant narcissists, “No, we’re not going to play any more of your stupid games.”
Gracie Hunt, the adult daughter (and heiress-apparent) of the Chiefs’ owner, said that she was grateful that her own mother had been a stay-at-home mom and that she “respect[s] Harrison and his Christian faith.”11 The Chiefs head coach and star quarterback each made statements supporting Harrison Butker.12 A few high-status folks basically said, “Yeah, we really don’t care why your feminist panties are in a wad; we stand with our guy,” and the whole cancelation campaign came undone. It was like that scene in the Matrix where Neo sees through the programming and makes the nonexistent bullets stop in their nonexistent tracks and fall to the nonexistent ground.
And that is the real lesson from the Harrison Butker non-crisis: don’t engage. Just refuse to play along with the stupid mind games. Their guilt trips have only the power that others grant them, because nothing about their guerilla moralizing is legitimate. Their caterwauling about “justice” and “equity” is just a smokescreen to justify their own emotionally driven narcissistic rage.
With Cluster B personality types,13 the real issue is never the issue they want to fight you about; the real issue is their addiction to attention and control, and their willingness to lie, cheat, and steal in order to feed that addiction. To ensnare your attention and keep you under their control, malignant narcissists will contrive absurdly overblown conflicts over the most petty and random non-issues. They count on you expending valuable attention and energy on them, either by fighting the battles they have chosen for you, or by walking on eggshells in order to avoid getting drawn into those battles in the first place. But if everyone simply ignores the malignant narcissists and refuses to play their games, their power evaporates, and in a desperate attempt to get that power back, they reveal themselves for the insanely infantile imps that they always were:

Misdirection is, of course, how magicians divert your attention away from the activity or prop being used to create the illusion:
If you haven’t already listened to this excellent and very insightful discussion between Rurik Skywalker and Grant Smith, you need to:
A great neologism and a wonderful essay from Grant Smith:
Gracie Hunt defends Harrison Butker after commencement speech (nypost.com): https://nypost.com/2024/05/17/sports/gracie-hunt-defends-harrison-butker-after-commencement-speech/
Andy Reid, Patrick Mahomes respond to Harrison Butker's speech – Deseret News: https://www.deseret.com/sports/2024/05/23/andy-reid-responds-harrison-butker-speech/
The wisdom of "you shall have no gods before me" becomes ever more apparent with every ideology and ideologue I come across.
"Guerilla moralizing". That is brilliant.