Marxcissist Mania Is Sweeping America!
Are Nazis really hiding behind every corner, or are crazy communists just suffering from Mass Psychogenic Illness?
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And when all you have is a hammer and sickle, everyone who disagrees with you looks like a Nazi. Presently, everyone in the Democrat Party1 is seeing literal Nazis everywhere — or so they say. Does that mean there are more Nazis now than there used to be, or are there just a whole lot more Marxcissists?

Nazis hiding around every corner?
Suppose you’re a supervisor at a textile factory in 1962, and one of the female line workers starts complaining about being sick after she was bitten by junebugs? And then another complains of the same thing, and then another, and another, and another, until over 60 of your workers, almost all of them young women, are feeling numb, nauseated, and dizzy.2 Suddenly, junebugs are everywhere, it seems, biting and infecting all the workers.
What’s to be done? Is your factory being attacked by a deadly pestilence? Do you need to shut everything down, throw out all the fabric, and fumigate the entire place, just to be sure you killed all the bugs?
Turns out, none of that would have helped, because it was all in the women’s heads.3 All of it. There were no junebugs. There never had been. Such is the effect of mass psychogenic illness.
This kind of thing happens somewhere in the world every few years. A bunch of people, typically young females, suddenly start behaving inexplicably or showing strange symptoms. Doctors are summoned to examine the patients. Inspectors are called in to search for signs of environmental toxins. Expensive tests are run, and one after the other, possible causes are ruled out, until all that’s left is the possibility that — surprise, surprise! — it’s all in the patient’s own minds.
Oh sure, these patients really are feeling symptoms. They’re not faking. To them, it’s deadly serious. But if you give them the standard treatments for the illnesses they imagine they have, you won’t help them. Because they don’t actually have the illness.
That’s what happened at a high school in Le Roy, New York in 2011, when a female cheerleader woke up from a nap and had a strange tic.4 Eventually that tic spread to 18 of her fellow female classmates and one of their mothers.5
Apparently, mass psychogenic illnesses can even spread virtually. During the COVID-19 scamdemic, doctors and mental health workers in the U.K. observed an alarming increase in the incidence of childhood tics, mostly among teenage girls.6 These cases were all spread through social media interactions online.
A Marxcissist Madness?
Today, could there be another mass psychogenic illness at play? With groups of hysterical young women (and some feminized males) at the middle of it? Could all these sudden sightings of the Nazi — a creature that was vanishingly rare in America prior to Trump’s 2016 campaign — be just like all those sightings of junebugs at that Southern textile mill in 1962?
Sure, there are a very few literal Nazis out there. Stupid, shitty people who believe stupid, shitty things, and who are universally condemned by all the stupid, shitty politicians on both sides of the aisle, unless . . . unless they belong to the Nazi Azov Battalion in the Ukraine! In that case, all those same stupid, shitty politicians will fall all over each other trying to give them as much money and as many weapons as they possibly can! “Hey, you’re a Ukrainian Nazi! I won’t even make out the check, I’ll just give you the whole checkbook and let you make them all out for as much as you want! Just forge my signature! I don’t care!” Politics sure does make strange bedfellows!
But the only Nazis any of us are likely to see on television any time soon are the absurd caricatures in The Producers or in a Monty Python sketch.
The whole idea that America is actually infested with Nazis today is even more absurd than the Monty Python sketch. We live in a country where a transgender terrorist recently attacked a Christian school and murdered six people, and the pedo-sniffing, pants-pooping President immediately made a statement in support of the transgender community — but not the Christians. And President Brandon still hasn’t even called the families of the victims, although he’s invited crazy protesters for tangentially-related loonie leftist causes to the White House in the meantime. And we’re supposed to feel like we’re in imminent danger of a Christian white nationalist takeover of all of America’s institutions? If Brandon and his cartel are really worried about fascists taking over, they sure aren’t acting like it.
In reality, the Marxcissists’ incessant cries about “Nazis” threatening “our democracy” from every direction amount to the same thing as Squealer’s frequent warning, to the other animals in Animal Farm, “Surely, comrades, you do not want Jones back?”
The Marxcissists Will Create the Very Thing They Fear
The only way we will get a legitimate threat of fascism in this country would be if it arose as a reaction against an ascendant communist movement. Communist movements gaining power do tend to provoke responses from reactionary opponents, who in turn gain increased support because they are seen as a bulwark against a rising tide of communism. A vicious cycle ensues.
Today, Leftists are screaming hysterically about Nazis. Many Leftists actually call themselves “Marxists,” but even those that don’t have (as James Lindsay has pointed out) nevertheless adopted a worldview derived almost entirely from Marxism.
These Marxcissists are demanding extreme solutions to the supposed Nazi menace:
Government coordination of censorship campaigns with large media and social media companies;
Needlessly expensive mandates to remake vast swaths of the culture and the economy;
If they are successful in getting what they want, (and so far they have been extremely successful), their communist movement will certainly appear ascendant, and as the population sees a communist threat looming, they are much more likely to find a real Nazi’s message more palatable — or at least find it less revolting; maybe it will be just tolerable enough for them to pinch their nose and swallow the bait.
If you’re looking into an investment opportunity on which no decision needs to be made right away, you may decide to put some time and effort into investigating the character of the man who’s trying to sell it to you. But if your house is on fire, you don’t care what kind of person the fireman is that’s trying to put it out. He could have a swastika tattoo (or a tattoo of one of the logos used by the Azov Battalion in Ukraine), and you would most likely just ignore it until after the fire had been extinguished. While your house is on fire, you would let your guard down about other things. In the same way, if you think Marxcissists are trying to take over the federal government and may seriously enforce a Maoist cultural revolution in the near future, you could very easily let your guard down significantly when it comes to things that would otherwise be obvious warning signs that someone is a Nazi. If the communists put you in enough fear, you may even look the other way when the guy who seems best able to fight the communists is a Nazi. Most people do in that situation.
And if that sounds crazy, let’s not forget that communism was one of the leading causes of death during the past century. Marxists killed many times the number of people that Hitler and Mussolini did. For American Marxists that naively throw around Hitler as the bogeyman to represent evil in its rawest and most deadly form — Hitler was evil and deadly, but if the alternative is Mao, a lot of people will choose Hitler. That’s just a fact. And America’s communists are doing everything they can to create the conditions where that choice is forced on the public. (If demons are real, one could imagine such creatures playing both sides of this, just like a slick poker dealer who’s cooperating with the other players to fleece you.)
This could turn out to be another historical example of a self-fulfilling prophecy. These crazy communists, by crying constantly about Nazis falling from the sky, and by screaming for something drastic to be done immediately about it, may themselves create the conditions for a real resurgence in fascism. They may summon the very devil whose name they have been chanting for so long.
Hopefully, there are enough sober-minded adults left in America to gain control of the situation before it careers completely out of control. We don’t have a Nazi problem — at least not yet, but we do have a Marxcissist problem, and the Marxcissists are hell-bent on creating a Nazi problem.7
I know the full name is Democratic Party, but I refuse to call them that. Today’s Democrat Party is “democratic” in name only. If they weren’t, Bernie Sanders would have been their 2016 nominee, and likely their nominee in 2020 as well. For today’s Democrat Party, “democratic values” are only ever invoked to get America involved in another needless war or to weaponize the alphabet agencies against their domestic political opposition.
The mysterious case of mass sociogenic illness, Shazia Absar, 4 September 2020;
The Curious Case Of Teen Tics In Le Roy, N.Y., 10 March 2012;
School's end clears up New York students' mystery twitching, Neal Gullery, 23 June 2012;
COVID-19 related increase in childhood tics and tic-like attacks, 6 March 2021;
To read more about the manipulative mind-games Marxcissists play, read:
Excellent essay. Eric Hoffer in "True Believer" quotes multiple Axis leaders pointing out how useful "Jews" were as a propaganda tool of the fascists. I put it in scare quotes because that it was they did; it wasn't actual Jewish people that they were worried about so much as imaginary Jews who were everywhere causing evil and problems. One of the quotes pointed out that if Jews hadn't existed they would have to have been invented.
I think "Nazis" have largely become the D's version of Jews, a phantom enemy to blame for all evil and must be fought by giving the D's more power.
I also agree that the over reaches of the Marxissicists will push more people towards becoming the monsters they claim to hate. Pushing a pendulum farther in one direction only makes it swing further in the other direction when it goes. Whether that is part of the D's plan, create actual Nazis they can point to generate more support for themselves, I couldn't say, but it does worry me that they will create a dragon to serve their purposes only to find they can't control it so well as they had hoped. Seems to me that is how civil wars start.
Despite all of the debate surrounding the supposed differences between Nazism and Communism, at the functional root of both of their ideologies exists a totalitarian agenda that presupposes their duality of nature... "A strong, centralized government is key to both Nazism and Communism. Bolstered by a military-style police state, each political movement subverts civil liberties, silences dissent, and limits the role of the individual – all in favor of law, order, tradition, and efficiency.
I wonder if the Marxissist's ravings aren't simply a theatrical posturing designed to obfuscate their true political philosophy founded in the ideology of Nazism... It would only seem likely given our current regime's unwavering support of such elements as Ukraine's Azov Battalion... just as one example.