Leftist Jews Are Actually White, The Alien Disclosure Agenda, and Trading Liberty for Security
Current Events and other Loose Threads (28 October 2023)
It’s 28 October 2023, and here are some loose threads about current events that we’ll discuss in this post: (1) Leftist Jews have learned that they’re actually white — to their terror and dismay; (2) the alien disclosure agenda continues to raise more questions than answers; and (3) communists are quick to pounce on every new “crisis” to demand that we give up more freedom in order to put “safety first.”
Leftist Jews Learn They’re Actually White
You’ve no doubt heard the Parable of the Frog and the Scorpion, in which:
A scorpion begs a frog to carry it across a river; the frog hesitates due to its fear of being stung;
The scorpion argues that it would be sabotaging itself to sting the frog mid-river, since the scorpion would drown without the frog;
The frog agrees to carry the scorpion across the river on its back;
Halfway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog;
The confused and mortally injured frog demands to know why the scorpion would repay kindness with betrayal, especially since the scorpion is now guaranteed to drown; and
The scorpion replies that it couldn’t help stinging the frog, because that’s just what scorpions do.
Leftist Jews are now feeling like they are the frog, and their “Black and Brown” fellow communist travelers are the scorpion.
The analogy is not an exact fit. In the parable, the frog gets no benefit from carrying the scorpion, whereas Jewish support for racial and ethnic minority grievances and for open borders and mass immigration is motivated (at least in many cases) by a desire to undermine white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) political and cultural power, because historically Jews in America have seen WASPs as a threat to their own interests.
Perhaps a better analogy is the Parable of the Golem, in which a rabbi builds a Frankenstein monster out of clay to protect his village from pogroms, but the monster ends up turning on the villagers and destroying them instead.
Understandably, this has created real resentment towards leftist Jews among WASPs, since WASPs are also being attacked by this “Black and Brown” Golem (see, e.g., any of the hundreds of videos shared each week of feral black thugs randomly attacking white people and white-owned businesses — as well as attacking pretty much everyone else in America’s big cities); but WASPs aren’t the only ones feeling resentful towards leftists Jews. To paraphrase Chris Rock’s infamous bit about “Niggas vs Black People,” everything WASPs don’t like about leftist Jews, non-leftist Jews — and especially Orthodox Jews — really don’t like about leftist Jews.
Orthodox Jews have a long track record of opposing the Marxcissist agenda, but now they’re getting lumped in with the commie atheist Jews and blamed for all the harms the Bolshevik Golem has caused. Their position is like that of the 2% or so of black people who hated BLM, Inc. and who now see all the cataclysmic cultural devastation they warned about coming to fruition. These “based” blacks are subject to all the harms the other 98% of their race brought about (in partnership with leftist Jews and affluent WASPs). They saw through the Marxcissist bullshittery and knew exactly where it was all heading, and they vocally opposed that agenda (though they were ignored by the mainstream Marxcissist media); but they are still condemned with the broad brush of guilt-by-association with others of their race. Similarly, non-leftist Jews, especially the Orthodox, find themselves dealing with the deadly fallout from the nuclear bomb of mass immigration and antiwhite resentment that the leftist Jews (in partnership with the affluent WASPs) decided to detonate in the heartland of just about every Western nation.
It’s worth remembering that, long before the current Israel vs Hamas controversy, Jews like Bret Weinstein vocally and visibly opposed antiwhite racism (as well as the scamdemic), and they suffered harassment and cancelation for doing so.
As for “woke” Jews, I find it hard to feel much sympathy for the Sarah Silverman’s and Amy Schumer’s of the world. They were happy to promote openly antiwhite movements to virtue-signal and win cultural prestige, and now they’re crying because their antiwhite fellow travelers see them as white and the Jewish people as colonizers. They were happy to feed that Golem when they thought it was harming only non-Jewish whites, but now that it’s turned on them, they suddenly have a problem with it.
Now, I understand that nobody’s perfect, and in a world full of nonstop propaganda, ever-shifting cultural norms and narratives, and bullshit piled on top of endless bullshit, it’s easy to get lost in the fog of info-war and find yourself on the wrong side of important issues. I have certainly gotten some big issues wrong. For example, even though I hated Hillary Clinton, I also detested Donald Trump, and I saw them both as two puppets being controlled by the same devil; I missed the fact that Trump, despite the faults he genuinely had, was truly a system-disrupter and, as such, very deserving of my support. I totally missed that aspect of Trump’s 2016 campaign, and it took the craziness of 2020 to wake me up from my “normie” dogmatic slumbers. As many others have observed, Trump may not have “drained the swamp,” but he triggered the swamp creatures so badly that they revealed themselves for the demons that they are. Since then, I’ve had more than a few conversations with people I’d previously had contentious debates with, where I’ve had to say, “You were completely right; I was completely wrong about Trump.” (I recorded a podcast episode in which I discussed my recovery from Trump Derangement Syndrome.) Realizing you were on the wrong side of an important controversy is humbling, to be sure, and it requires you to (in the words of AA’s “Big Book”) “make a searching a fearless moral inventory” to figure out how and where you went wrong and what steps you need to take, both to rectify that wrong, and to guard against similar wrongs in the future. So I am certainly not in a position to condemn people who have a real change of heart after realizing they’ve been wrong on important issues. However . . .
How do we know that someone has truly had a change of heart? Because you can be sorry that you were wrong, because things like “right and wrong” really matter to you, or you can be sorry only that you are now facing the consequences of having been shown to be wrong. Rather than re-examining your beliefs and values, you can resolve only to be more clever in the future, so that you escape the consequences of your own failures by externalizing those costs onto others. (Something neo-con-artists have been adept at doing after Iraq and now Ukraine.)
Which one will Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer do? That remains to be seen. From what little I know about them, I am more hopeful for Sarah Silverman, who strikes me as a very naïve but sincerely well-intentioned true believer.
One other thing about the Jews who are now feeling buyers remorse after supporting and funding BLM, Inc., only to have the antiwhite racism now directed at them after BLM sided with Hamas in the aftermath of Israel’s 9/11: at least they’re experiencing cognitive dissonance over this. Our demented affluent white female leftists (AWFL) show no signs of doubt, no matter how much devastation their BLM buddies cause. It appears that these AWFLs will just keep drinking the Marxcissist Kool-Aid until they get themselves genocided (another sign that the 19th Amendment was a deadly mistake, but I digress).
Anyway, the panelists on Jimmy Dore’s show had an interesting discussion about Amy Schumer’s and Sarah Silverman’s response to learning that the antiwhite racists they promoted have turned out to also be anti-Jewish: https://rumble.com/v3qtfyz-amy-schumer-and-sarah-silverman-dragged-online-for-terrible-israel-takes.html

Ryan Long shared a hilarious satire of the Hollywood actors’ “moral” calculations concerning whether to support Israel or Palestine: https://rumble.com/v3okklj-actor-not-sure-if-hes-supposed-to-support-israel-or-palestine.html

On a different note, Nick Fuentes appeared on Alex Jones’s show to debate Jones about the JQ. Jones stakes out a position similar to what I tried to articulate above, while Fuentes claimed, basically, that the West is being presented with something of a “magician’s choice” concerning the dilemma between the Zionist, pro-Israel Right and the neo-con-artist Jewish left. After giving this issue a lot of thought, trying genuinely to see it from the different perspectives involved, I find myself agreeing with Alex Jones on this one and disagreeing with Nick Fuentes. But you can watch their debate and decide for yourself. I will say, I am glad this debate can be had publicly. By shutting the conversation down and condemning all participants as Nazis, you guarantee that actual Nazis will dominate the conversation, because the conversation will continue, no matter how zealously you try to stop it from happening.
Now, for something tangentially related the religious divisions among Jews . . . As noted above, Orthodox Jews tend to have far better beliefs and values, culturally and politically, than Reform and non-religious Jews. It’s like night-and-day different. Although I disagree with most Orthodox Jews about what America’s foreign policy should be concerning Israel, Orthodox Jews have a pretty solid track record when it comes to opposing the Marxcissist color revolution in America. That said, I am leaning heavily towards a Gnostic view of the Bible, which puts me at odds with both Orthodox Jews and evangelical Christians (who are probably the most Zionist demographic in America — Jews aren’t even as pro-Israel as Evangelicals are); yet I have to admit that believing in the literal truth of the Torah does correlate with a tendency to hold better cultural and political beliefs. The worst cultural and political ideologies often occur in tandem with disbelief in the Torah. Obviously, the correlation is not anywhere close to 100%, but it’s still pretty strong. This is an interesting fact about the world that, at least at first glance, seems to undermine my own Gnostic interpretation of the Bible.
Interesting Podcast Discussion about Aliens
Speaking of Gnostics, the Gnostic High Priest of Substack, Fr.
, had on his podcast to discuss The Alien Disclosure Agenda. Two of the most interesting Substackers, talking about one of the most interesting issues in this bizzarro clownworld. Enough said. If you haven’t listened to it already, what are you waiting for?My own thoughts about the alien disclosure agenda are that we are approaching that point in the plotline of our civilization’s narrative arc where, as in the climax of so many action movies, we find ourselves at the villain’s mercy; the villain drops his mask of sanity and starts explaining the true meaning of all those strange anomalies we’d noticed but never been able to figure out; and the villain laughs maniacally as he prepares to destroy us or leave us to our imminent doom which we are powerless to prevent. Hopefully, the pattern from the movies will hold to the very end: at the last possible minute and against all odds, we figure out a way to save ourselves, or some hero (Christ?) bursts in and rescues us.
Excellent Podcast Episode from Jesse Kelly about Commies Crying, “We’ve got to do something!”
And speaking of podcasts, Jesse Kelly had a fantastic show on Thursday, October 27th, in which he discussed the specter of communism haunting the West and the existential culture war currently being fought. The first hour (of three) is embedded above (via Spotify), in which Kelly provides a meta-analysis of the media coverage and political conversations after horrific events like mass shootings. About 15:10 in, he addresses the knee-jerk demands people (especially leftists) make for someone to “do something,” anything, to protect them from the problem. He goes on to drop one of the best lines ever uttered by a political commentator:
“We gotta do something!” is not a plan. If you leave it open ended, I promise you the tyrant will come up with his own plan, and you won't enjoy it.
— Jesse Kelly
This is right up there with Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Of course, that’s pretty much what residents of America’s big cities now have, thanks to the anarcho-tyranny of the Marxcissist Left: neither Liberty nor Safety.
observes in Safety Last:The subtle poison of "Safety First" is apparent in the slogan itself. If safety is first, it follows that it comes before all other concerns. Glory, honesty, joy, adventure, challenge, growth, strength, will, purpose, love, triumph ... none of them mean anything if they conflict with safety. The smallest risk of danger is enough for Safety First to interpose itself, to say no, you can't do that - it isn't safe.
Anyway, that’s all for this installment of A Ghost in the Machine! Stay tuned for more commentary on Life’s rich pageant, and be sure to subscribe (if you haven’t already done so), so you don’t miss out on the next episode of crazy clownworld chronicles!
Regarding what "right wing" rabbis say, I'm no expert, but I've seen dozens of clips where men that look like respected rabbis explain that their holy books say their god requires them to kill "Amalek" in every generation, and that today Amalek is Western Europeans, both Christian and post-Christian. Adam Green @knowmorenews is an expert on this pattern of zealous, self-righteous mission to inflict harm on white people. https://video.thesetruths.com/S1un8tp/amalek-to-be-destroyed/
There's a variant to the scorpion/frog fabel, replacing the frog with a turtle. It's much the same, except the turtle's shell protects it from the scorpion's sting, so they don't drown. Upon reaching the other bank, the turtle eats the scorpion.
As to which dynamic best aligns with this story, given that the tribe have been at the forefront of anti-western and anti-white subversion for generations, well, I don't think it needs to be spelled out.