Super #SJW Man Chapter 3
[Previous Chapter: Super #SJW Man Comes out of the Closet, Sort of...; or go to the Table of Contents.]
Before going out for the evening, Super #SJW Man took a catnap, partly because he was tired, but mostly because it would muss up his hair and add a chill flavor to his appearance.
After waking up, he went back to the mirror to tease out his hair and curl his moustache and admire himself even more. “Totally deck!” he observed, addressing his reflection in the mirror. “Total juicer!”
He checked his phone. His tweet had been liked and retweeted a couple hundred more times. “Dope!” he cried. He checked his text messages.
His sister had replied tersely, “Call me, please.”
His father had reacted in a typically reactionary way: “Great! Since you’re rejecting our lifestyle, I assume you’re rejecting our money too. Or are you going to be a complete hypocrite like your other socialist friends?”
“Total fin!” he grunted, shaking his head.
His mother had not replied by text but had tried to call him a half dozen times.
“S-M-H,” he muttered, as he put his phone in his pocket. “Mom is so 2000s.”
On his way out the door, he paused to grab a beret from the hat-rack. As he slipped it over his head, he jumped, clicked his heels together in mid-air, and then waltzed through the doorway, closing the door behind him.
[Up Next: Chapter 4, in which Super #SJW Man Gets a Sidekick; or go to the Table of Contents.]