The American Experiment Was a Success!
We learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, about how to keep a republic, and how to lose it ...

Today, we find ourselves on unstable footing atop a precipice. We are at a unique vantage point in history. Looking back, we can remember what it felt like to believe in the promises of America’s ideals, but we can also see the illusory hopes and fears that bewitched us and caused us to lose sight of those ideals. As we look forward, we can see our impending and inevitable descent into an uncertain, post-collapse future. One thing is certain: we cannot remain where we are. Indeed, we are already accelerating towards a terrible inflection point, and it would take an absolute miracle of biblical proportions to halt our momentum now. But what we can do, while we are still relatively close (in time) to our civilization’s peak, is to take in the big-picture view of our past, so that we can understand where it all went wrong, and then pass those lessons along to our descendants. The American Experiment is over, and it was an incredible success in terms of the potentially useful information we gained about ourselves and the types of political arrangements for which we are best suited.
We’re Even Deeper into Uncharted Territory
By now, everyone knows about Trump’s conviction by a Maoist Manhattan jury on nonsense charges.1 Alvin Bragg, the Mr. Potato Head-looking subhuman district attorney and cumdumpster extraordinaire for his master and pimp-daddy George Soros, cannot be bothered to prosecute the kind of violent mala in se crimes, like armed robbery and aggravated assault, that have plagued New York City ever since he took office, because prosecuting those kinds of crimes would apparently be racist. So instead, Bragg went after Trump with every absurd charge his primitive Homo Erectus brain could contrive (it seems he even put his racially-motivated prosecution of Daniel Penny on the backburner to focus all his attention and resources on getting Trump), and with a jury-pool and judge to the far left of Joe Stalin and even Joe Biden, the bar was so low, that Bragg was able to waddle his fat retarded ass over it and get a conviction, despite both the Law and the facts being squarely against him.
Trump is now a convicted felon. Regardless of whether the conviction is overturned on appeal, and regardless of how you happen to feel about Trump or the lawfare that’s been waged against him, his conviction is just the latest reminder that we are truly in uncharted territory, and that we have been in uncharted territory for some time now.2 Perhaps a few additional erstwhile normies got red-pilled (or black-pilled) as a result of the Trump trials. My feeling is that if you managed to make it through 2020-21 with your faith in “our democracy” and its institutions still intact, then this latest development won’t shake your faith either. Our pathocratic ruling class just tossed another strip of the already corroded social fabric into the fire that they’re using to slowly cook the proverbial frogs alive. What difference does another degree of added heat make, when the pot is already boiling? If you’ve stayed asleep thus far, you probably won’t ever wake up.

At this point, I’m going to include the obligatory message to contact your state attorney general’s office and your local prosecutor’s office (assuming you live in a Red area) and demand that they start bringing criminal charges against prominent leftists who violate even the slightest letter of the Law. As
said in his latest post about Republicans’ purely performative response to the Trump conviction, and as Jesse Kelly has said time and again since Trump was first indicted, Republicans have to go on offense and start waging the same kind of lawfare against Democrats that Democrats have been waging against Republicans. Leftist ideology is a product of deranged psychology and spiritual evil, not logic or love of country, so appealing to Reason or to what’s best for America is pointless and will result only in continued defeat and degradation. The Left is not interested in being reasonable or in pursuing the common good. The Left is interested only in the subjugation or death of everyone who dares to disagree with their demonic agenda. So by all means, contact your state and local Republican prosecutors and let them know that they must zealously and relentlessly prosecute every single Democrat who violates the tiniest jot or tittle of the Law.You can find the contact information for your State’s attorney general here:
You can look up your other elected officials (including your local prosecutor’s office) here:
Of course, I am pessimistic that this strategy can work, given how far gone and thoroughly depraved everything already is at the national level. Even if things were still salvageable, the existing opposition party’s leaders are too easily controlled by their desire to belong to elite circles. (The word “belong” has an interesting double meaning when used to describe one’s membership in a club or social circle: saying, “I belong to this club,” often means that the club literally owns you.3) Republican officials — especially the kinds of prominent attorneys who become prosecutors and judges — care too deeply about their status within the existing elite; they care too deeply about their reputations as “team players” among the billionaire class that they hope will eventually employ them after they leave public office. The wannabe national elites of the Republican Party won’t do what is necessary to fight back against the Left, because they don’t want to jeopardize their own social and economic futures. In order for people with integrity to reclaim our federal system from ruin, they would have to be patient and spend many years, if not decades, doing what the Left did: making a long march through the institutions. Unfortunately, we don’t have that long, because given current trends, the Left will have effectively destroyed everything long before the virtuous people are in a position to effectively challenge them. Not only that, but the Left was able to complete its march because they had no compunction about lying and cheating in order to corrupt formerly decent organizations from within; virtuous people cannot (and should not) attempt to win through this kind of deception, because the corrosive effects of such tactics would corrupt the character of anyone who practices it — in truth, a person who is able to practice deception that effectively is already vicious, such that he cannot be trusted to lead any kind of group without absolutely corrupting it and leading it astray: he may say all the right things, but if his deeds are evil, then he is evil, and his evil will infect any group that permits him to lead it.
As far as the United States of America goes, things are looking really bleak right now. That country that we grew up with and thought we knew and loved, is gone. Long gone. Some States and communities will fare a lot better than others in the coming years, but at the federal level, the folks who are ultimately in charge are psychopathic Kool-Aid drinkers, child molesters, and mass murderers to a degree that would have shocked even the demented conscience of Jim Jones. That’s not hyperbole either. However evil you think demons are, the reality is always worse, much worse. Our constitutional republic died a long time ago, and some infernal beast straight out of the Book of Revelations has been animating its corpse. (In case you’re wondering, that’s why we have a new flag now.)
Listen to this podcast episode if you think I’m wrong or exaggerating how depraved our illegitimate rulers are (or if you think you can escape the evil merely by emigrating from America):
We live in the United States of Blackmail, and the psychopaths have consolidated and centralized power at a global level: D.C. is merely a puppet satrapy of a worldwide evil empire.
The Constitutional Republic Is Dead
So here we are. After the Trump verdict, a little more of the regime’s tattered mask of sanity has been ripped off, exposing the hideously psychopathic nature of the American civic system and those who operate it.
The constitutional republic died long ago. Like the replicants in The Stepford Wives, the counterfeit version was so cleverly fashioned that it took decades (if not longer) before a critical mass of Americans started noticing that something wasn’t right, that this new Uncle Sam didn’t talk or act quite like the old one, that there was something tangibly sinister about him now. And lately, people have really started noticing those tell-tale signs, and the tricks that the regime’s propaganda artists formerly used to get Americans to stop noticing, well, those tricks just aren’t working quite as well as they used to. In fact, they’re starting to backfire in a dangerous way. The more the regime tries to coerce people into not noticing, the more people start noticing. Funny how that works.
Today’s ruling class commits so many unforced errors and own-goals that its critics are divided about whether this, too, is just part of their nefarious master plan. Surely the evil magicians who pulled off such stunning faits accomplis as the Federal Reserve Act, the Kennedy Assassinations, and 9/11 couldn’t be this stupid and clumsy?!!! This has to be some kind of 4-D (or higher) chess wizardry, in which the powers-that-be want us to see how corrupt everything is; they want us to stop believing their lies; and they’ve already war-gamed our response. Right? Well, maybe not. Maybe the competence crisis4 has reached the very uppermost layers of our ruling class. Or maybe these illegitimate elites are themselves ruled by a demonic (or alien) power that has ordered them to finish the job prematurely, and now they’re rushing things because they know what time it is.5 Regardless of the real reason, one thing is clear: the American experiment that began in 1776 is essentially over. The constitutional republic is dead, and voting harder in the next election is not going to miraculously resurrect it. We are governed by an illegitimate, demon-worshipping, traitorous occupation government. That’s the bad news. But there is a silver lining …
First, as I’ve written before, Evil inadvertently and unavoidably does some very real good, because it cannot act effectively without making use of the good things that the true God has created (and it thereby reminds people of the very real distinction between Good and Evil). Second, the American Experiment was the biggest and best (to date) experiment in popular sovereignty, and that experiment was an incredible success.
The American Experiment Was a Success!
No matter what happens over the next few years, always remember this: the American experiment was an incredible success. We learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, about how to keep a republic, and how to lose it. Yes, we (and our forbears) lost our constitutional republic, but we can share the painful lessons of our mistakes with whoever comes after us. We can employ those insights profitably when we, or our heirs, rebuild after the coming collapse (which is unavoidable at this point).
I will not attempt provide anything close to an exhaustive list of the lessons we can take from America’s decline and fall. First, my own knowledge and intellect is far too meager for such a task. Second, and more importantly, the passage of Time will no doubt reveal many things about our age that are practically invisible to us now.6 So instead of trying to compile a list of lessons, I will try to articulate only what I believe to be the most essential, as well as the most universally applicable, principles about Human Nature and political philosophy that have been proved true by the American Experiment.
The Anti-Federalists Were Right
First, the “Anti-Federalists” were right, and the Federalists were wrong. You can read through a quick synopsis of the Anti-Federalists’ concerns on their Wikipedia page. Go down the list. It’s not long, and pretty much everything they warned against has since come to pass. An outsized Executive Branch behaving like a tyrannical monarchy? Check! A national government that would sacrifice the interests of rural Americans to benefit the urban moneyed elite? Check! A federal tax regime abusing citizens and undermining State and local autonomy? Check! I mean, the anti-Federalists nailed it.
Insights from Three Brits
There are three thinkers from America’s cultural motherland across the pond, whose insights explain what went wrong with America. With Right-Hemisphere Dominant thinking, you can easily use the principles articulated by these three Brits to understand how and why we Americans lost our way.
Lord Acton
First, is Lord Acton, with the famous saying,
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This is so self-evidently true, that I will not belabor the point. However, the next two insights provide additional clarification and perspective.
G.K. Chesterton
Second, is G.K. Chesterton, who proposed Distributism as a viable alternative to the false dilemma (imposed on the modern world by the bankster cartel) of being forced to choose either Capitalism or Communism. Under either system, the average person works for a business he does not own and could never, realistically, hope to own or control. What difference does it make if the State owns the few large-scale businesses that have a stranglehold on the economy, or if the few large-scale businesses that have a stranglehold on the economy own the State? The late-stage bureaucracy of both the USA and the USSR are functionally similar. And why is that? Because under both systems, ownership and control of property is centralized and brought under the control of a very politically savvy few, who also control the State, and who use a massive managerial apparatus to maintain their control. The average person owns nothing and is ordered to be happy. But are bankster-approved capitalism and communism our only options? Thankfully, no. Private property is not only good, it is essential. One cannot be politically free if one is not economically free. Therefore, ownership of private property sufficient to generate economic freedom is an absolute good that should be as widely distributed as possible. The most economically free and, hence, politically free society would be one in which every family owns and operates its own business, farm, shop, store, restaurant, etc.
The evil banksters and central planners of the globohomo empire all know this, and this knowledge certainly shaped the regime’s policies during both the COVID-lockdowns and the BLM-riots: mom & pop stores were ordered to close, while big corporate stores were deemed “essential” and allowed to stay open; riotous mobs were free to gather together (while mom & pop stores were still forced to remain closed) and burn down business districts mostly comprised of mom & pop businesses; the few big corporations that lost stores were far better positioned than the small independent shopkeepers to absorb the losses, and in many cases it was actually a net benefit to the big retailers, as locations with poor future prospects could be shuttered after collecting an insurance payout, and the loss of these physical locations forced many more customers to migrate online, which is what the biggest retailers wanted anyway. Everything about the scamdemic and BLM’s “summer of love” redounded to the benefit of bankster-controlled corporations and to the detriment of independent small business owners. “Cui bono?” is the best way to understand why public officials did what they did during 2020-21.
Bottom line: widespread ownership of private property is essential, and by that, I mean real ownership. This doesn’t mean merely holding some legal title to a small piece of residential property against which the banksters have a massive lien that takes decades to pay off (and even if you do pay off the banksters, you will still have to pay yearly rents to the government in the form of property taxes in order not to lose your “ownership” of it). Rather, it means that you own, free and clear of any lien or encumbrance, the means by which you earn your daily bread. Such ownership gives people skin in the game and forces them to care about what happens in the broader community, if only to protect their own property interests. Such ownership also gives people the freedom to contend for their political interests. If the bankster-controlled corporations can just place an economic embargo on you because they don’t like your political beliefs, then it is practically irrelevant whether you technically have a legal right to express those beliefs, unless you are able to earn your living independently of the banksters’ control system.
C.S. Lewis
Finally, C.S. Lewis observed that there are two reasons to believe in democratic forms of government, one delusional and one legitimate, and each of them originates in opposite views of Human Nature, one naively optimistic and the other relatively pessimistic. The naive optimists claim that people are so innately noble that everyone’s voice should be heard and considered, that everyone should participate in government. The pessimists, on the other hand, understand that people are innately corruptible by power and prestige, such that everyone must have strict limits placed on the amount of power and influence that he can acquire.
Anyone with sufficient real-life experience of the various types of flesh-and-blood humans out there (as opposed to ideas about some abstract and idealized “Humanity” that has been gleaned solely from books) knows which justification of popular sovereignty is valid, and which one is not. America’s Founders were motivated by the pessimistic view (in spite of the widely misunderstood phrase “all Men are created equal” being in the Declaration of Independence); the bad-faith interlopers and “progressives,” who pushed America’s transition from constitutional republic to globalist bankster empire, made liberal use of the naively optimistic view as a pretext for their schemes.
Taken together, these three insights about Human Nature and politics are sufficient to recognize the Founders’ wisdom in creating the constitutional safeguards that they did, to see where they did not go far enough because they underestimated the stupidity, incompetence, and wickedness of their fellow Americans, and to understand where their successors foolishly (or malevolently) abrogated those guardrails.
The more I have learned about Life and about Human Nature, the more I have come to understand the nature of the evils that have been done by our pathocratic ruling class (and that has been enabled by the thoughtless herd of Hylics/NPCs), and the more I have come to appreciate the Founders wisdom and their skill and foresight in crafting the American Experiment as they did. They gave us a republic; we were not able to keep it. Hopefully, the good men of future ages can learn from our mistakes.
C. S. Lewis’s essay (first delivered as a speech) The Inner Ring gets to the core of what “belonging” to the inner circle can actually entail, and what the quest for belonging does to the social striver who seeks it:
Complex Systems Won’t Survive the Competence Crisis (
There are some interesting possibilities raised by the timeline provided in Revelations 20: 1-10, which I explored in my post Tinfoil Hat Time!:
Interesting bit of historical trivia: Gibbon began publishing his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in 1776, the year America declared independence, and published the final volume in 1788, right in the middle of the year America’s Constitution was drafted (1787) and the year it took effect (1789). Maybe coincidences like this mean nothing, but it’s surprising how often strange synchronicities like this occur throughout history. It’s almost like cosmic forces were at play, signaling that America was to be the modern instantiation of Rome. I plan to write a post about some bizarre symmetries between Rome and America, particularly in light of things G.K. Chesterton observed about Rome and its relation to Christianity in his excellent book The Everlasting Man. Maybe it will be schizoid ramblings, but I think we live in a haunted universe, and synchronicities often do mean something. And prior to our hyper-materialist modernity, most of Mankind’s greatest thinkers seemed to share that belief.
I disagree with Acton's apophthegm, and consider it to be a perfect example of elite misdirection. Rather than "power corrupts", I think it's far more useful to start with the idea that ONLY those prone to corruption seek power.
So I would replace Acton with the French poet and author 'Alaine", who NAILED IT both in French and in translation:
"Car enfin le trait le plus visible dans l'homme juste est de ne point vouloir du tout gouverner les autres, et de se gouverner seulement lui-même. Cela décide tout. Autant dire que les pires gouverneront."
"Because finally, the most obvious characteristic of the Just Man is to not with at all to govern others, and to govern solely himself. That decides everything. We can basically say that THE WORST WILL RULE".
I will keep Chesterton at #2, solely for the second-last stanza of "The Secret People", the first few lines of which capture the modern bureaucrat so perfectly:
"The have given us into the hands of the new unhappy lords,
Men without anger or honour, who dare not carry their swords.
They fight by shuffling papers,
They have bright, dead, alien eyes;
They look on our love and our laughter as a tired man looks to flies."
C.S. Lewis at #3 again solely for "The Inner Ring", especially the bit about how a man will be led to being a scoundrel over tea with people he is desperate to impress.
Now... this is where things get Arch (btw): we know that Python lists start at 0: the 0th position in the list must go to the Stoic Sage BIAS OF PRIENE, who famously said in the 5th century BC -
"Oi Pleistoi Anthropoi Kakoi" - Most People Are Shit.
Quibble all you like about my preferred translation of 'Kakoi', but translating it as "shitty" is defensible - and as a Sage, Bias would necessarily have been a meme troll-meister, a master shit-poster and a legendary edgelord.
Obviously I am biased in my choice of Bias at #0 - poll position - but if you're going to have a bias, make it Bias of Priene.
"They gave us a republic; we were not able to keep it. Hopefully, the good men of future ages can learn from our mistakes."- Bravo