The Demonic Inversion of Life, Death, and Everything Else
Death is hushed up and taboo, while sexual perversions are omnipresent and boring. What does that portend for the future?
Another activist set himself on fire this past week. Maxwell Azzarello wanted to spread the word that we have a criminal government running massive Ponzi schemes and ultimately aiming to create a worldwide fascist dictatorship, so he incinerated himself in front of the court where Trump is on trial. After reviewing the self-immolator’s manifesto (available on Substack),
determined that Azzarello was “neither right, nor left,” but “schizo” — but regardless of what you think about his message, you have to admit that his method for spreading it was effective. He certainly succeeded in getting the attention he wanted.1It was a gruesome and agonizing way to go. Azzarello set himself on fire shortly after 1:30pm and burned for a full three minutes, but he didn’t die until close to midnight.2 Ten-and-a-half hours would an excruciatingly long time to remain alive, suffering with those kinds of burns. For his sake, I hope he wasn’t conscious during any of it.
Death Gets People’s Attention
But it was the gruesomeness of it, the raw ugliness and horror of Death on public display, that grabbed people’s attention, in a way that little else does in our culture of sensory overload and dopamine exhaustion. Our civilization has taken the safety-first mindset to such a suffocating extreme, that we hardly see death happen like that anymore. To be sure, America’s criminal government (Azzarello was certainly correct to characterize it that way) siphons off what little wealth remains in the homeland and sends it abroad to fund the industrial-strength killings that happen over there; but over here, we have (at least for the past several decades) done everything we can to make sure that when death does happen, we don’t have to see it. Factories kill our livestock, so we don’t have to. Nursing homes and hospitals cater to the needs of dying humans, so we don’t have to. Wars are fought by a relatively small segment of the population, so the rest of us don’t have to see the deadly side of the Evil Empire. (And the same politicians who gleefully fund the overseas slaughter will shriek like schoolgirls and cower on the floor if a gaggle of unarmed J6 protesters shows up and scares them by shouting politically incorrect talking points or smoking weed in a congress-lizard’s office.) We’ve mostly kept Death out of sight, out of mind, for so long that many Americans don’t even think it’s real, which is why they tempt Fate by rioting in support of anarcho-tyranny and throwing the border wide open for any military-age male from anywhere in the world to walk right into our country. So given that widespread naivety about death, when we Americans see someone die in a really gruesome way, it really grabs our attention.
Oddly enough, this incident made me think of a passage from Corrie Ten Boom’s book The Hiding Place in which she describes a scene from her childhood (circa the late 1890s): she had accompanied her mother to visit a family whose baby had just died, and none of the adults bothered to cover up the baby’s dead body or conceal the reality of death from the children who were present. The idea seemed to be that people, including babies, died all the time, so the kids might as well get used to it. But while death was out in the open, everything related to sex was completely covered up. The kids were exposed to the raw reality of how Life ends, but they were kept completely in the dark about how it begins. Of course, that dynamic is the complete opposite of our own culture.
Sexual Perversion Is No Longer Noteworthy
Today, sexual perversions are paraded publicly, even in front of young children, and the rainbow communists are getting increasingly bold about their desire to normalize pedophilia, which is just about the only sexual taboo left for them to demolish. If instead of setting himself on fire to protest Israel’s war in Gaza, Aaron Bushnell (who apparently had been expressing some confusion about his gender identity prior to his suicide) had dropped his pants and started twerking aggressively in front of passers by, he probably wouldn’t have even made the local news. If Maxwell Azzarello had sodomized underage children in Central Park, he would probably have made the local news, but not the national news. No, to get the kind of infamy that Bushnell and Azzarello were after, you have to openly flout our culture’s taboos around death and dying.
Death (and what comes after) absolutely terrifies our geriatric ruling class. They are so afraid of dying that they will sacrifice the health and economic future of the young to keep themselves safe as long as they possibly can. Even after old age has completely robbed them of their mental faculties, they continue to cling desperately to power. They cannot bring themselves to retire gracefully like the elders of prior eras, because that would be tantamount to acknowledging their own mortality. They know that death is inevitable. They know that their treasure, such as it is, is rooted in this world, and they can’t take it with them. They willingly sold their meager souls for worldly power and prestige, and now they fear what awaits them after death.
Everything Is Upside-Down
Our crazy civilization has reached its end stage where everything is inverted. Aging oligarchs dream of transhumanist technologies that will let them live forever (like vampires), while they promote cultural agendas and economic policies that keep young people from marrying and having babies. Native-born citizens are pushed to the margins, while the red carpet is rolled out for the dredges of the third-world who show up with nothing to contribute and a laundry list of expectations that our government somehow treats as legitimate. Our elected officials borrow billions to send to Israel and Ukraine, while ignoring the existential crises afflicting the homeland. Our energy infrastructure is getting wrecked over imaginary issues like “manmade climate change,” while real ecological catastrophes are ignored — like the manmade disasters in East Palestine, Ohio and Lahaina, Hawaii, or like the crazy amounts of estrogen and microplastics in the water, etc.). Young brown-skinned Ivy Leaguers who’ve never done a day of hard labor in their coddled lives now scream about how oppressed they are, while unemployed (and underemployed) white men are demonized for their “privilege.” Both the post-menopausal (e.g., Madonna) and the sexually immature (e.g., Netflix’s Cuties) are sexualized, while young people in peak childbearing years are having less sex (and fewer babies) than ever. Degenerates are celebrated for making every detail of their sordid sex lives public, while hundreds of thousands of people die from despair, alone.
Obviously, this state of affairs is not sustainable. The reality debt is long overdue, and efforts to postpone the day of reckoning are subject to diminishing returns like everything else. The competency crisis can only get worse, as the Peter Principle continues to be turbocharged by DEI mandates and ideological blinders. And then there are the bizarrely inverted social norms surrounding sex and violence (with death being the ultimate manifestation of violence).
“The DOOM Cometh” (as Sir would say); but there is a happy ending …
The entire project is bound to unravel: government (from informal tribal elders all the way up to the modern State) is essentially a technology for managing violence. Laws and traditions are fostered to prevent destructive violence and to minimize its scope and severity. And that is the real reason — the Chesterton’s fence — for all the taboos around sex, because few things lead to more destructive violence than unrestrained sexuality and sexual relationships that have gone wrong: domestic violence between lovers, fights between jealous rivals, stalkers, rapists, abusers, molesters, people taking revenge upon those who have sexually violated their loved ones, etc. (Don’t try to blame this all on men, either; lesbian couples have the highest rates of domestic violence!3) And that is precisely why the enemies of our civilization have sought to promote sexual degeneracy, as part of their plot to invert every norm concerning Life and Death and everything in between: their demonic masters (working in and through them like “the Blob of Satan” that they are, a perfect inverse of the “Body of Christ”) want to run riot, without let or hindrance, in a grand nihilistic orgy of death and devastation, and they intend to tear down everything that stands in their way. (The literal death of everything — what
describes as “Sorathic Evil” — is what the chief demons ultimately desire.)The Chestertonian fences are all but gone. We’re now deep into Act Five of our World’s bizarre melodrama, with forces incomprehensibly greater than ourselves pushing events rapidly towards an apocalyptic climax. If you’ve been paying attention, you know what comes next. As Rudyard Kipling once observed:
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
Maxwell Azzarello and Aaron Bushnell are harbingers of the explosive bonfires coming our way. The counterfeit god of this world will demand his sacrifices and burnt offerings again, before the real God arrives to strip him of his illegitimate crown. The bad news is, this conflict is going to get a lot crazier before the resolution comes. However, the good news is, the crazier and more cataclysmic the conflict, the more rewarding the resolution will be. And the real God is very real, so all of this will ultimately be resolved.
You could even say, Azzarello’s message spread like wildfire … (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) Overnight, he went from someone you’d never heard of to a household name whose theories you were at least broadly familiar with.
Horror as Max Azzarello lights himself on fire outside Donald Trump’s New York City trial with ‘body engulfed in flames’ | The Sun:
Rate of Domestic Violence Highest in Lesbian Relationships | The Wentworth Report:
Burnt offerings! That’s what’s so creepy about these suicides by fire. They’re sacrificing themselves… to whom?
Being a believer, and having read Revelations I expect things will get MUCH worse before the end, pray. Gather. Worship.