A Ghost in the Machine
A Ghost in the Machine by Daniel D
Pigs, Dogs, and Sheep: Who's to Blame in Animal Farm?

Pigs, Dogs, and Sheep: Who's to Blame in Animal Farm?

Audio Version of My Substack Article on Psychopathic Rulers, Their NPC Enablers, and the Rest of Us...

I was recently rereading Animal Farm by George Orwell, which unfortunately seems to be a useful guide for understanding our times, and I was struck by the question: Whom do you blame for the corruption and tyranny among the farm’s ruling class: the pigs, the dogs, or the sheep?

This is the audio version of the Substack article I wrote examining this issue. To read the article, click this link:

A Ghost in the Machine
Pigs, Dogs, or Sheep: Who's to Blame in Animal Farm?
I was recently rereading Animal Farm by George Orwell, which unfortunately seems to be a useful guide for understanding our times, and I was struck by the question: Whom do you blame for the corruption and tyranny among the farm’s ruling class: the pigs, the dogs, or the sheep…
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A Ghost in the Machine
A Ghost in the Machine by Daniel D
A Ghost in the Machine features hot takes on modern life from Daniel D, a regular human in a world gone mad. Daniel is nerdy and philosophical like Woody Allen, loud and angry like Sam Kinison, and full of shit like a clogged gas station toilet. It's all part of Life's rich pageant!