Racial Equity Achieved in Germantown, Tennessee!
As the water supply of this majority-white city remains undrinkable, its residents atone for their white privilege and help make Dr. Kendi's dream a reality.
Racial equity has been achieved in Germantown, Tennessee! This is a local news story (for some reason the national media isn’t interested yet 🤔) that deserves much wider coverage. With their water undrinkable, this majority-white city’s residents atone for their white privilege and help make Dr. Kendi's dream a reality.

Past Discrimination …
Perhaps you remember all the hullabaloo a few months ago when the water supply was contaminated in Jackson, Mississippi. Five years earlier, Mayor Chokwe Lumumba had promised to make Jackson the “most radical city in America.” The mayor had delivered on his promise. Unfortunately, that agenda did not involve repairing the city’s aging infrastructure, such as its water treatment facilities.1 After heavy rains caused contamination of Jackson’s water, America’s government-funded propagandists at PBS quickly identified the obvious culprit: systemic racism!

Here’s the expert analysis of the tragedy in Jackson that taxpayer-funded propaganda machine PBS provided its audience last September:
Jackson had already been under a state health department boil-water notice for a month when torrential rain fell in August, flooding the Pearl River and overwhelming the treatment system. Water pressure abruptly dropped, emptying faucets for days.
How did this happen? Residents, politicians, experts and activists say systemic racism is the root cause.2
Of course it was! What else could it be?! In fact, the systemic racism was so bad, even BLACK PEOPLE were engaging in it by — gasp! — moving out of the city to escape out-of-control crime and a dysfunctional culture. Who else but an inveterate white supremacist would have a problem with criminal violence? As the taxpayer-funded propagandist at PBS went on to observe,
Jackson’s population has declined since 1980, a decade after the city’s schools began integrating. Many white families left for the suburbs, leaving less revenue to maintain the infrastructure. Middle class Black people then moved out to escape urban decay and rising crime. State and federal spending never made up the difference.3
Those whites were so irredeemably racist, that they waited a full decade after integration to begin to leave the city over such bourgeoise concerns as “urban decay” and “rising crime.” And their racism was so infectious, it spread even to black people, who also started leaving the city for the same silly reasons as the racist whites. And all that racism in the 1980s caused critical infrastructure to fail in the 2020s. It’s simple cause-and-effect, bigot!
At any rate, the city’s decay certainly had nothing whatsoever to do with the criminal incompetence of corrupt city officials, such as the city council members whom the mayor accused of taking bribes in May of 2022.
Or the city officials who took bribes under the previous mayor’s administration.
Besides, even if this corruption has been going on for a long time in Jackson, Mississippi, it’s a good thing, because it’s called EQUITY. Because when black politicians take bribes, they’re just receiving the REPARATIONS they deserve. And if their city falls apart on their watch, so be it. As Marxcissists have so often reminded us, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. And even if most of those eggs that get broken are black, well, that doesn’t matter, as long as the person eating the omelet is also black. That’s ANTIRACISM! That’s EQUITY!
… Requires Present Discrimination!
You know what else is a good thing, besides black politicians taking bribes? Discrimination against white people. As Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and his intellectual hero, the Handicapper General, both demonstrated,
The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.4
In other words, discrimination now, discrimination tomorrow, discrimination forever!
Now that we’ve established, by reference to the compelling arguments made by the taxpayer-funded propagandists at PBS, that contaminated water is the result of racial discrimination, we can reasonably5 conclude that the contaminated water in Germantown, Tennessee was also caused by racial discrimination; but since the city is majority white, this was the good kind of racial discrimination, as whites are primarily the ones being harmed by it.
Here’s how it happened. An antiracist thunderstorm knocked out electricity to the area. The city used backup generators to power its water utility. One of these was an antiracist generator. Being antiracist, it recognized a perfect opportunity to discriminate against white people by poisoning them; so it leaked diesel fuel into one of the city’s water reservoirs. Now that it’s been poisoned, this water reservoir is also antiracist.
According to The Commercial Appeal:
On Thursday, Germantown first advised residents not to consume the city's tap water. After a few residents reported their tap water had a strong odor, Germantown’s water department staffers determined a generator — which was powering the Southern Avenue water treatment facility during the current power outage — had been leaking diesel fuel into an underground reservoir.
Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris declared a local state of emergency Monday due to the July 18 storms, which caused over 130,000 Memphis Light, Gas and Water customers to lose power. The storm caused the water treatment plant to lose power, and a generator was used to power the Southern Avenue water treatment facility.6
So cascading failures caused the collapse of a complex system. [Side note: I wonder if this is in any way related to the growing “competence crisis”7 in clownworld America’s late-stage bureaucracy that Harold Robertson wrote about in his recent article for Palladium (and which was subsequently discussed in a podcast by The Tonic 7 and
8)?] Anyway, this particular cascading failure has been affecting mostly white people, so it’s all good. This has been an antiracist cascading failure!I searched the website of the taxpayer-funded propaganda machine known as PBS, but for some reason I could find nothing about the antiracist water contamination happening in Germantown, Tennessee. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before they jump on this story.

I was unable to contact Dr. Ibram Kendi, as the good doctor had previously blocked me on Twitter after I asked him if, based on his own first-hand experience, it’s true that ignorance is bliss — he seemed not to understand the question and after attempting an unsatisfactory answer, the good doctor blocked me to avoid hurting his brain any further.

I hope that someone who is still in the doctor’s good graces can forward this message to him. I’m sure he will be happy to know that those evil whiteys (a.k.a, Neandas) in Germantown, Tennessee are enduring some antiracist water poisoning. Perhaps while they are drinking bottled water, they can pour out a libation to the blessed memory of Robin DeAngelo, who, legend has it, was assumed, body and soul, into heaven on April 1st of this year. Or they can read their favorite passages of Kendi’s How to Be an Anti[white]racist while burning the diesel fumes emanating from their kitchen faucet, as a burnt offering unto Angela Davis. Of course, atoning for one’s white privilege is a process that takes many lifetimes to accomplish, but by starting the process now, these honkeys can maybe accumulate enough positive Karma to be reborn as a reptile in the next life, instead of something worse, like a maggot or a cockroach, which is what they deserve by virtue of their fair skin and non-Spanish surnames.
As for the black people who also live in Germantown, they are obviously white supremacists, just like Larry Elder and Winsome Sears. We must hope that this antiracist water poisoning breaks the grip that white supremacy has on their dreadfully whitened souls. Perhaps they can overcome their internalized racism and learn to love the violent crime and cultural disorder destroying the nearby city of Memphis. Maybe, if they grow strong enough in their antiracist convictions, they can move to Jackson, Missisippi. At least if their water becomes poisonous again in Jackson, they can get nationwide news coverage and plenty of federal money, unlike those privileged honkeys in Germantown.
Decades of systemic racism seen as root of Jackson Mississippi water crisis, PBS.org, 16 September 2022: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/decades-of-systemic-racism-seen-as-root-of-jackson-mississippi-water-crisis
Notice the nice anti[white]racist capitalization of the “B” in “Black,” while the “w” in “white” remains lower-case.
Quote from Chapter One of How to Be an Anti[white]racist by Quack Dr. Ibram X. Kendi.
If you don’t like my reasoning, just remember: “objective, rational, linear thinking” is RACIST! Therefore, subjective, irrational, nonlinear thinking is antiracist. See, e.g., Dr. Ibram X Kendi’s arguments in How to Be an Anti[white]racist. Like Dr. Kendi, I am just being antiracist with my style of argument!
Water restrictions lifted for some Germantown residents: What to know, The Commercial Appeal, Brooke Muckerman, 23 July 2023: https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/suburbs/2023/07/23/germantown-water-contamination-crisis-heres-what-to-know/70454781007/
Complex Systems Won’t Survive the Competence Crisis, by Harold Robertson: https://www.palladiummag.com/2023/06/01/complex-systems-wont-survive-the-competence-crisis/
The Tonic 7 Podcast Episode Eight: The Competence Crisis:
A great example of the dangers of "it doesn't matter if it is cogent or rational, it is emotionally satisfying" kind of thinking. The villains get to claim to be standing up for the very people who their lack of responsibility is damaging. It is always emotionally satisfying to blame a common enemy, but in reality your real enemy might be those who claim to be on your side, looking out for your best interests...