A Marxcissist Military
Do Military Leaders Really Believe Diversity Is Our Strength? Or Is That Just a Pretext for Doing to the Military What They Did to the FBI?
So President Brandon recently announced another historic diversity hire: Gen Charles “CQ” Brown will replace Gen Mark “I Want to Learn about White Rage” Milley as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Good Ol’ CQ Brown will be the first Mongoloid to hold this position — contrary to popular belief, Mark Milley is actually not a Mongoloid; he just likes to vape paint thinner before press conferences and congressional hearings, as a prophylactic against the cognitive dissonance he would otherwise suffer from all the obvious bullshit he has to say to keep his Marxcissist overlords happy.

Here’s another historical milestone achieved with Gen Good Ol’ CQ Brown’s new appointment: with Brandon as Commander in Chief, Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense, and Good Ol’ CQ as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, it will be the first time in history — HISTORY!!! — that three Mongoloids have held the three top positions in the military’s chain of command! What a historic moment for retardation! In the past, we used to deny brain-damaged individuals the opportunity to serve in critically important top leadership roles, but in 2020s America, we put our retards front and center and make them the public faces of our crumbling empire.
Of course, not everyone is so excited about this historic — DID YOU HEAR ME? I said, “HISTORIC!!!” — DEI milestone. Some folks are concerned that this pattern of DEIfying the military, which Good Ol’ CQ has pledged to accelerate, will undermine combat readiness. Apparently, they haven’t gotten the memo that “diversity is our strength,” which is so self-evidently true that we won’t even allow any discussion about it, because you have to be a literal NAZI to think combat readiness should trump DEI as the #1 priority for the military. Besides, as we all know, white domestic extremists (like Nazis, insurrectionists, and parents who complain during the public comment portions of local school board meetings) are the most dangerous threats America faces today.
On a more serious note,
thinks it’s wonderful that Good Ol’ CQ will be pushing DEI so hard, as that will require the military to get rid of straight white conservative1 men in order to meet the diversity quotas. The military has already been purging its ranks of conservatives (disproportionately white) by imposing vaxx mandates, celebrating rainbow-pride degeneracy, and promoting leftist ideology generally. Recruitment of straight white men predictably cratered — so much so that the Army started running short of bodies, reversed course, and targeted traditional straight white men with an ad campaign. It hasn’t worked, and now, on top of all that, Good Ol’ CQ believes the military should promote officers based, not on merit, but on their victimology heirarchy ranking, so the ranks are about to get dramatically less white — unless you’re the kind of white guy who likes to get fucked up the ass or who likes to put on a dress and pretend to be a girl, in which case the Navy will publicly celebrate you, swiftly promote you, and cheerfully create events, such as “LGBT Spoken Word Night,” at which you can share your sordid tales of degeneracy with all the other sailors. Bottom line, conservative white guys are going to be getting scarce in the U.S. of Gay’s military. And Morgothorak the Undead says that’s great, because it means that when Brandon blunders us into World War III with China and Russia, conservative white guys won’t be the ones dying for this empire that hates them to death. Instead, it’ll be the Marxcissist rainbow-flag wavers and BLM rioters getting blown up by hypersonic Chinese and Russian missiles.Now, he’s got a very valid point. Let the suddenly pro-war Left provide the cannon fodder for the neo-con-artists’ insane regime-change wars for once, especially since it’s the Left’s unnatural values that the Globohomo American Empire (GAE) is trying to impose on all its enemies, foreign and domestic. However, there’s another perspective worth considering as to what our Marxcissist overlords may be attempting.
Jesse Kelly acknowledges that the Left is destroying the military, but he doesn’t think that’s their intent. Rather, they are trying to remake the military into one that will primarily be fighting domestic enemies — i.e., the regime’s political opponents here at home. To get the military they want, they need to get rid of all the troops who won’t bend the knee to Baal — the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who take their oath to support and defend the Constitution seriously. Now, those troops are both overwhelmingly conservative (i.e., not communists) and overwhelmingly competent, and that loss of competence is harming combat readiness; but for the Left, that’s an unintended consequence. Their real goal is to get a military they can send into combat at home, against their fellow Americans.
Of course, this is a risky gamble for our parasitic COG (“Communist-Occupied Government”) to undertake, to weaken its host-country’s military. Obviously there are some extremely top-notch and squared-away black troops, but there are not enough of them to satisfy Good Ol’ CQ’s DEI ambitions, especially for the officer cadre. The real issue is that American black culture produces much-higher-than-average rates of antisocial dysfunction and that, in turn, limits the quality and quantity of potential black officers, but addressing underlying reality would require confronting some politically incorrect facts about the world, something leftists hate doing. So instead of doing that, the Marxcissist culture warriors are demanding that results be obtained regardless of inputs, and the only way for the military to oblige will be to lower standards (or abandon standards completely). And those standards are already at historic lows from all the preferences and waivers given to women and rainbow-flag wavers. Now the military will jettison even more standards in order to get the requisite number of “black and brown” officers. For this program to succeed, and for the Marxcissists to create a combat-ineffective military that they can use against domestic political opponents, they have to avoid peer or near-peer combat. If — and only if — the US of Gay can avoid war with China and Russia, they can probably sacrifice combat readiness on the DEI altar without suffering catastrophic consequences, but … that’s a big “If.”
China is ravenously eyeing Taiwan, and the Brandon Administration has been pretty reckless about crossing lines with Russia in order to prop up Ukraine’s Globohomo-friendly banana republic. The US of Gay has depleted its own ammunition in order to supply Ukrainian Nazis with arms; Brandon has ordered the release of billions of barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to protect himself politically from the consequences of his insane energy policy, leaving America’s oil reserves at their lowest levels in decades; and while the Chinese and Russians are concerned with improving lethality, the Americans are worried about using made-up pronouns and creating “safe spaces” for bearded women and ball-less men to be their “authentic” unnatural selves.
In today’s crazy world, odds are increasing rapidly that the chickens will soon be coming home to roost for the US of Gay’s Marxcissist leadership, and they will learn too late that they are completely incapable of winning World War III, because Reality trumps psychotic delusions when it comes to military effectiveness. And suffering a shameful defeat against Russia or China may, ironically, turn out to be what saves America. Because otherwise, I think Jesse Kelly’s analysis is correct; the catamite communists are trying to do to the military what they have already done to the FBI: pervert it (no surprise that they are skilled at perverting things) and weaponize it against their political enemies, in complete contravention of the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
Imagine a future where, instead of Big Brother’s avuncular face watching you, it’s the flabby face of some pale-skinned, purple-haired tranny. An enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend, but he can be a useful ad hoc ally. And Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping may turn out, albeit inadvertently, to be useful ad hoc allies of traditional Americans, as they may occupy the attention of our Marxcissist-occupied government just long enough for us to get its boot off our collective neck.
Speaking of World War III, here’s an interesting discussion on the topic involving the Tonic 7 —
, , , , , and yours truly ( was not available that week):“Conservative” now effectively just means “not a Marxcissist.”
Inward and outward-directed militaries are fundamentally incompatible. Arab nations for the last century or so have preferred the former, in order to maintain order within their tribally fractious countries; they also tend to deliberately cripple their militaries in order to prevent them from becoming independent power centres from which coups d'etat can be launched ... an eventuality I suspect the Swamp Clowns are also worried about. In any case, the result for Arab militaries on the battlefield has generally been terrible.
While DIE policies may well prevent white men from wanting to join, there's an easy way around that in the event of a Great Power war. Nothing stops DC from activating Selective Service and simply drafting every able-bodied white boy they can find, then sending them off overseas to get chewed up by Chinese drones in African bush wars. That would solve multiple problems for the regime. Of course, morale would be a problem, but that's easily dealt with too: just fit the cannon fodder with cameras and microphones, and have an AI watch them like hawks to make sure they don't start fragging officers or sabotaging equipment.
Good one, Dan. I'd add that an unknown fraction of this military phenomenon (as well as the bizarre Rainbow-sepukka displays of recent corporate campaigns) could very well be an intentional controlled demolition, to make way for a different set of commanders and shareholders.
(Damn, I really need to get cranking on that "corporate fire sale" conspiracy post, before some clever sonofabitch beats me to it.)