A Ghost in the Machine
A Ghost in the Machine by Daniel D
"Why Do You Hate Jews?"
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:07:10

"Why Do You Hate Jews?"

Because that's the only logical question to ask when anyone dares to criticize the ADL or AIPAC ...
An accurate Ben Shapiro meme from an actually banned book by JinjerZilla, a digitally “unpersoned” dissident artist. Ben Shapiro says identity politics is stupid, even as he does identity politics for Jewish interests and the ethnostate of Israel.
An accurate Ben Shapiro meme from an actually banned book by JinjerZilla, a truly canceled and deplatformed dissident artist.

Sometimes I criticize the ADL, AIPAC, or the State of Israel.1 Usually this provokes a few people to call me a Jew-hating antisemite as they unsubscribe from my blog or block me on Notes. Out of curiosity, I sometimes pull up my past interactions with the aggrieved party, and whenever I do, I notice an interesting pattern: these are almost always the same people who enthusiastically liked and shared and commented on my posts criticizing BLM and black identity politics. Just about every time. They love slogans like, “Facts don’t care about your feelings!,” but only when the object of ridicule is someone else’s ethnic-grievance cartel.

Of course, this is a pattern of behavior that helped red-pill Candace Owens on the JQ:

You can shit on the white goyim; you can shit on the black goyim; but don’t you dare criticize anything even remotely Jewish!2 It does not matter how carefully you articulate the distinction between (1) Jewish groups like the ADL and AIPAC and (2) individual persons of Jewish ancestry and/or religious belief, they will flip out on you regardless, in the exactly the same way that black ideologues would flip out on you in 2020 if you made even the most milquetoast and nuanced criticism of Black Lives Matter. “What?! You’re saying Black lives don’t matter?! You RACIST!!!” Of course, back when the blacks were doing it in 2020, some of these same Jews and Philosemites were quick to condemn it. They can see the problem with this kind of identity politicking — but only when it’s the other tribe doing it.

This is Narcissistic Personality Disorder operating on the group level. “I’m special! Don’t you dare criticize me! Standards are for you to follow, and for me to enforce against you! Don’t get it twisted, goy! Give me what I want and let me do whatever I want, or I will destroy you and get everyone to hate you and ostracize you. Why are you making me do this to you? Why am I always being victimized?”

You can be Jewish and not embrace that as your identity, just like you can be black and not embrace BLM’s gay race communism as your identity. And if you condemn BLM but think criticism of the ADL should be condemned a priori as “hate speech,” you are either delusional or dishonest or both.


White Americans and Europeans have had our national heroes and founding myths endlessly deconstructed and critiqued, and although this has often been done in bad faith as a power play, some of the criticisms have been legitimate. Our heroes were not perfect angels always acting with the purest of motives. The myths that fed our sense of exceptionalism were, like all myths, exaggerated and one-dimensional caricatures of reality. Having been disabused of our childish naivety about our historical narratives, our nations went to the other extreme of disillusionment and despair, focusing only on the flaws of our forebears. Hopefully, we are now reaching the stage of being able to see them more fully and sympathetically, neither as angels nor as demons, but as men like ourselves, men who were mostly just trying to make their way in this difficult and confusing world, and who were willing to believe narratives that made them feel good about themselves. In other words, men who were just like everyone that is alive today.

To my Jewish friends, I can assure you that we whites have been subjected to this process for decades, and so we can understand how you might feel, when we start critically examining some of your heroes and narratives. You mean to tell me that the Wikipedia entry calling the ADL’s patron saint, Leo Frank, a “lynching victim” might be glossing over some heinous shit that he did to a vulnerable young girl, followed by some devilish machinations on his part to try to frame an innocent black man for his crimes? You mean to tell me that the reactionary movements led by 1930s European fascists might have been reactions to the criminal violence and terrorism of Jewish-dominated communist organizations? You mean to tell me that history is a lot more complicated than the infantile narratives that say, “This group is all perfect and innocent victims, and that group is all devilish monsters and oppressors”?3 Yeah, I know. These conversations can feel a lot less pleasant when it’s your own group having its crimes and dirty laundry publicly inspected. We white Americans and Europeans are used to it by now, having had our own group’s narratives subjected to this process for the past several decades. Welcome to the party.

Incidentally, when I looked back over the most recent episode of someone rage-quitting my blog because I criticized the wrong tribe’s ethnic-grievance lobby, I realized I had been incorrect about the ADL. I had said the ADL defended the South African blacks’ use of the chant “Kill the Boer.” They didn’t. They minimized it and engaged in a lot of mealy-mouthed “both-side-ism,” but they didn’t defend it.

When video footage emerged on X (Twitter) of an entire stadium of genocidal blacks chanting “Kill the Boer” and “Shoot the white farmer,” the ADL ignored it — until Elon Musk publicly goaded them into addressing it,4 which the ADL eventually did. I still think their tepid response to the anti-white racism in South Africa is hypocritical, given their dramatically different approach when far less explicit “hate speech” is leveled against Jews,5 but hey — why should they weigh in at all on this conflict between South African blacks and whites? After all, they’re a Jewish organization, right? Well, they kinda have weighed in on this controversy in the past, and they’ve always done so in a way that minimizes the plight of South African whites and makes them out to be the bad guys. You know, because “blame the victim” is perfectly acceptable when it’s white people getting killed because they are white. The ADL has even gone to the trouble of publicly denouncing American leaders for condemning the anti-white violence in South Africa.6 And of course this same ADL will shriek like a tantrum-throwing toddler if anyone ever tries to do the exact same thing on issues involving Israelis.

Because when mobs of black or brown people chant about killing you — and then some of them actually do kill you — it’s only wrong if you’re Jewish. Stop imagining things, you racist and obsessed white people, with your so-called “white genocide.”
Because when mobs of black or brown people chant about killing you — and then some of them actually do kill you — it’s only wrong if you’re Jewish. Stop imagining things, you racist and obsessed white people, with your so-called “white genocide.”

Anyway, I am rooting for Jewish persons, just like I’m rooting for black persons and white persons. You are not your group’s elites.7 You are not your group’s ethnic-grievance cartel. You are not your group’s psychopaths and criminals. Or at least you don’t have to be. When we criticize them for their psychopathy or malignant narcissism, you don’t have to take it as a personal attack against you — unless you’re also a psychopath or malignant narcissist. If the shoe fits, I guess you should wear it, but that’s 100% on you.

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L. P. Koch does a great job of exploring the era of German history colloquially known as “the moustache man incident” in this post:

Hitler, the Ultimate Rorschach Test
We can’t help but view history through the lens of our most deeply held beliefs…
Read more

After Musk prods, ADL says ‘Kill the Boer’ song can be seen as a call for violence | The Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-musk-prods-adl-says-kill-the-boer-song-can-be-seen-as-a-call-for-violence/


See, e.g., the ADL getting a slogan like “From the river to the sea …” banned on social media platforms (but don’t you dare suggest Jews control the media!): https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/comment-meta-oversight-board-regarding-use-slogan-river-sea


ADL Extremely Troubled by President's Tweet on South Africa | ADL: https://www.adl.org/resources/press-release/adl-extremely-troubled-presidents-tweet-south-africa

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